Marion Meyer

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Marion Meyer (born October 5, 1954 in Heidelberg ) is a German classical archaeologist .

Marion Meyer studied archeology, ancient history and Greek at the universities of Bonn and Munich from 1975 to 1984 . She took part in excavations in Cologne and Tiryns . In 1984 she received her doctorate with the thesis The Greek document reliefs at the University of Bonn. From 1985 to 1990 Meyer worked as a research assistant at the University of Munich. From 1990 to 1996 she worked as a university assistant at the Archaeological Institute of the University of Hamburg . In 1997, the work Function and Meaning of Figures with Wall Crowns in the Hellenistic Period took place in Hamburg . The so-called Stadttychen also got their habilitation. From 1997 to 2003 she taught as a professor for classical archeology at the University of Bonn. Since 2003 she has been teaching as a professor at the University of Vienna .

Her research interests include the cultural history of Athens and the phenomena of acculturation in the eastern Mediterranean. She is a full member of the German Archaeological Institute .



  • Athena, goddess of Athens. Cult and myth on the Acropolis up to classical times (= Viennese research on archeology. Vol. 16). Phoibos Verlag, Vienna 2017, ISBN 978-3-85161-176-2 .
  • with Nora Brüggemann: Kore and Kouros. Consecrations for the gods (= Viennese research on archeology. Vol. 10). Phoibos Verlag, Vienna 2007, ISBN 3-901232-80-X .
  • The personification of the city of Antiochia. A new picture for a new deity (= yearbook of the German Archaeological Institute. Vol. 33). de Gruyter, Berlin et al. 2006, ISBN 978-3-11-019110-3 .
  • The Greek document reliefs (= communications from the German Archaeological Institute, Athenian Department. Supplement, Vol. 13). Mann, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-7861-1319-X .


  • with Ruprecht Ziegler : cultural encounter in a bridge country. Deities and cults as indicators of acculturation processes in the Cilicia plain (= Asia Minor Studies. Vol. 53). Habelt, Bonn 2004, ISBN 3-7749-3296-4 .

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