Marko Alaupović

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Marko Alaupović (born May 10, 1885 in Busovača , Bosnia-Herzegovina , † April 18, 1979 in Sarajevo ) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and archbishop of Vrhbosna .


Alaupović was born in the central Bosnian city ​​of Busovača . He completed his theology studies in Sarajevo. He was ordained a priest on September 15, 1907 . Archbishop Josef Stadler sent Alaupović to Rome for further studies in 1913 . From 1915 on, he continued his studies in Innsbruck , where he was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD .

On May 21, 1950, Pope Pius XII appointed him . as titular bishop of Capitolias and auxiliary bishop in Vrhbosna. He received the episcopal ordination on September 24, 1950 by the Archbishop of Belgrade , Josip Antun Ujčić . Co- consecrators were the bishop emeritus of Bosnia and Syrmia , Anton Akšamović , and the apostolic administrator of Lavant , Maksimilijan Držečnik .

On September 7, 1960 Pope Paul VI appointed him . to the Archbishop of Vrhbosna . Alaupović was the council father of all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council . On January 13, 1970, Paul VI. He submitted his resignation due to reasons of age and appointed him titular archbishop pro hac vice of Segisama .

Marko Alaupović died on April 18, 1979 in Sarajevo at the age of 94 . His resting place is in the Sarajevo Cathedral .

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predecessor Office successor
Ivan Evanđelist Šarić Archbishop of Vrhbosna
Smiljan Franjo Čekada