Maréchal d'Empire

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Napoleon and his marshals at the Battle of Borodino, 1812 (painting by Vassili Verechtchaguine, 1897)
Napoleonic marshal's baton

The title of Maréchal d'Empire comes from the First Empire and was awarded to 18 French generals between 1804 and 1815. The title was introduced on the day of the imperial coronation in 1804 as a replacement for the previous Maréchal de France, which was abolished with the French Revolution . It was awarded for the last time in 1815, during the reign of the Hundred Days , and the beneficiary was Emmanuel de Grouchy .

Like various other nobility titles, the maréchalat was used for financial support, decoration and other privileges. From a military point of view, a maréchal could be sure of being in command of at least one corps (or several) in a campaign .


Since the designation Maréchal de France des Ancien Régime had been abolished with the Revolution, on the instigation of Napoleon Bonaparte on May 18, 1804 by the Senate with a "Senatus-consulte" (Senate resolution) of May 18, 1804, the title of Maréchal d 'Empire introduced. At first 14 generals and four senators with the rank of general had the pleasure to lead him, which was communicated to them the next day. The gentlemen were to be rewarded with it for shown skills and proven services.

N APOLÉON , Empereur des Français, décrète ce qui suit:

Sont nommés maréchaux de l'Empire, les généraux Berthier, - Murat,
- Moncey, - Jourdan, - Masséna, - Augereau, - Bernadotte, - Soult, - Brune, - Lannes, - Mortier, - Ney, - Davout, - Bessières .

Le titre de maréchal d'Empire est donné aux sénateurs Kellermann, - Lefebvre, - Pérignon et Sérurier qui ont commandé en chef.

Donné à Saint-Cloud , le 29 floréal at XII.

"Imperial decree
Napoléon, Emperor of the French, orders the following:

The generals Berthier, - Murat, - Moncey, - Jourdan, - Masséna, - Augereau, - Bernadotte, - Soult, - Brune, - Lannes, - Mortier, - Ney, - Davout, - Bessières are appointed Marshal of the Empire.

Senators Kellermann, - Lefebvre, - Pérignon and Sérurier as commander-in-chief receive the title of marshal of the empire.

Given at Saint-Cloud, May 19, 1804.

The total number of marshals on active duty was then fixed at 18. To ensure that this number was the upper limit, it was determined that new marshals could only be appointed if, by whatever circumstances, a position became vacant. This is what happened in 1809, when Berthier was promoted to Vice-connétable de l'Empire , Jourdan to Chief of Staff of the Armée d'Espagne (Spanish Army) and Murat to become King of Naples. Lannes died that same year; Marshals Bessières and Poniatowski had fallen. Another vacancy among the generals arose when Bernadotte became Crown Prince of Sweden in 1810 .

The boulevards, which were laid out in Paris on the site of the former second city wall, bear the names of these marshals. Exceptions are Augereau , Bernadotte, Grouchy , Marmont , Moncey , Oudinot and Pérignon . Other streets were named after Augereau, Moncey, Oudinot and Pérignon. Bernadotte, Marmont and Grouchy were not honored, the former two because they were considered traitors, and the latter because he was held responsible for the defeat at the Battle of Waterloo .

List of 26 Marshals

Maréchal title Born Deceased appointment portrait
Charles Pierre François Augereau Duc de Castiglione ( Duke of Castiglione) 1757 1816 1804 Robert Lefevre 20.jpg
Charles-Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte Prince et duc souverain de Pontecorvo ( Prince and sovereign Duke of Pontecorvo) 1763 1844 1804 Nordgren - Portrait de Charles Jean Bernadotte, roi de Suède.jpg
Louis-Alexandre Berthier Prince souverain de Neuchâtel et de Valengin, prince de Wagram (Sovereign Prince of Neuchâtel and des Valengin, Prince of Wagram) 1753 1815 1804 Louisberthier1.jpg
Jean-Baptiste Bessières Duc d'Istrie (Duke of Istria ) 1768 1813 1804 Jean-Baptiste Bessières.jpg
Guillaume Marie-Anne Brune Comte d'Empire ( Imperial Count ) 1763 1815 1804 Guillaume Marie-Anne Brune.jpg
Louis Nicolas Davout Duc d'Auerstaedt , prince d'Eckmühl (Duke of Auerstädt, Prince of Eckmühl) 1770 1823 1804 Louis nicolas davout.jpg
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan Comte (Count in the Second Restoration) 1762 1833 1804 Le maréchal Jourdan.jpg
François-Christophe Kellermann Duc de Valmy (Duke of Valmy) 1735 1820 1804 Marechal-Kellermann.jpg
Jean Lannes Duc de Montebello (Duke of Montebello) 1769 1809 1804 Julie Volpelière (d'après Gérard) - Le maréchal Lannes (1769-1809), 1834.jpg
François Joseph Lefebvre Duc de Dantzig (Duke of Danzig) 1755 1820 1804 François-Joseph Lefebvre.png
André Masséna Duc de Rivoli, prince d ' Essling (Duke of Rivoli, Prince of Essling) 1758 1817 1804 Renault - André Masséna, duc de Rivoli, prince d'Essling, maréchal de France (1756-1817) .jpg
Bon Adrien Jeannot de Moncey Duc de Conegliano (Duke of Conegliano) 1754 1842 1804 Marechal Moncey.jpg
Edouard Adolphe Mortier Duc de Trévise (Duke of Treviso) 1768 1835 1804 Dubufe - Marshal Mortier.jpg
Joachim Murat Grand-duc de Berg et de Clèves, roi de Naples et des Deux-Siciles (Grand Duke of Cleve and Berg, King of Naples and both Sicilies) 1767 1815 1804 Murat2.jpg
Michel Ney Duc d'Elchingen , prince de la Moskowa (Duke of Elchingen, Prince of the Moskva) 1769 1815 1804 Marechal Ney.jpg
Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon Comte d'Empire (Count of the Empire) 1754 1818 1804 Dominique-Catherine Pérignon.jpg
Jean Mathieu Philibert Sérurier Comte d'Empire (Count of the Empire) 1742 1819 1804 Jean mathieu philibert serurier.jpg
Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult Duc de Dalmatie (Duke of Dalmatia ) 1769 1851 1804 Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult.jpg
Claude Victor-Perrin called Victor Duc de Bellune (Duke of Belluno ) 1764 1841 1807 Claude-Victor Perrin.jpg
Jacques MacDonald Duc de Tarente (Duke of Taranto ) 1765 1840 1809 MacDonald par Antoine Jean Gros.jpg
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont Duc de Raguse (Duke of Ragusa ) 1774 1852 1809 Marmont.jpg
Charles Nicolas Oudinot Duc de Reggio (Duke of Reggio) 1767 1847 1809 Marshal Nicolas Oudinot.jpg
Louis Gabriel Suchet Duc d'Albuféra (Duke of Albufera) 1770 1826 1811 Louis-Gabriel Suchet.jpg
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr Comte d'Empire (Count of the Empire) 1764 1830 1812 Laurent de Gouvion-Saint-Cyr.jpg
Józef Antoni Poniatowski Prince de Pologne et du Saint-Empire romain germanique, généralissime des Polonais (Prince of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire, Generalissimo of Poland) 1763 1813 1813 Prince Joseph Poniatowski by Józef Grassi.jpg
Emmanuel de Grouchy Comte d'Empire (Count of the Empire) 1766 1847 1815 Emmanuel de Grouchy 2.jpg


  • Louis Chardigny: Les Maréchaux de Napoléon (= Bibliothèque Napoléonienne. No. 13). New, revised and updated edition. Tallandier, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-84734-087-4 .
  • Jacques Demougin (ed.): Les Maréchaux de Napoléon. Trésor du patrimoine, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-915118-02-7 .
  • Lewis Goldsmith (Ed.): Recueil de Décrets, Ordonnances, Traités de Paix, Manifestes, Proclamations, Discours, & c. & c. de Napoléon Bonaparte, et des Membres du Gouvernement Français, depuis le 18 Brumaire, An 8, (Novembre, 1799) jusqu'a l'Année 1812, inclusivement. Extraits du Moniteur. Volume 2: Contenant les dites Pièces sous le Gouvernement Impérial, commençant le 15 mai, 1804 jusqu'á la fin de l'année 1806. R. Juigné, London 1806, pp. 7–8 ( full text in the Internet Archive ).
  • Jacques Jourquin: Dictionnaire des maréchaux du Premier Empire. Dictionnaire analytique, statistique et comparé des vingt-six maréchaux. 4th, greatly expanded edition. Christian / JAS, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-911090-05-5 .
  • Christophe Brun, Joseph Valynseele, Eric Jauffret, Georges Maze-Sencier, Cosette Millet-Bex, Jean Reveilliez; Geneviève Maze-Sencier (ed.): Dictionnaire des maréchaux de France. You Moyen Age à nos Jours. Perrin, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-262-01735-2 .
  • Vincent Rolin: Les aides de camp de Napoléon et des maréchaux sous le Premier Empire (1804-1815). Napoléon 1 er Éditions, Saint-Cloud 2005, ISBN 2-9519539-4-1 .
  • Jürgen Sternberger: The marshals of Napoleon. Pro Business, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-86805-172-8 .