Martin Bethe

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Martin Eduard August Bethe (born November 21, 1866 in Stettin ; † November 12, 1956 in Bad Harzburg ) was a German doctor and genealogist .


Martin Bethe was a son of the Szczecin doctor Eduard Bethe († 1910) and his wife Marie Gerstaecker (1830-1917) from Berlin. The classical philologist Erich Bethe (1863-1940) and the physiologist Albrecht Bethe (1872-1954) were brothers of his.

Martin Bethe did his Abitur at the Szczecin City High School in 1885 and then studied medicine in Jena , Bonn , Göttingen , Berlin , Kiel and Strasbourg . In 1891 he returned to his hometown, was an assistant doctor at the municipal hospital for two years and also looked after the cholera ward during the cholera epidemic in autumn 1892 . In 1894, Bethe opened her own practice and until 1945 headed the surgical-orthopedic department for children's health in Finkenwalde . During the First World War he was a surgeon in the 1st Pomeranian hospital train and in Stettin hospitals.

On August 17, 1944, his house in Stettin was bombed out. In March 1945 he fled to Quedlinburg and worked there as a doctor until 1946. Then he moved to see friends at Berghof Castle near Lichtenfels. In 1952 he went to Kinderheil's former retirement home in Szczecin , which had fled to Bad Harzburg.

Martin Bethe was founder in 1923 and until 1942 chairman of the Pomeranian Association for Heritage and Heraldry . He published his genealogical research results in the family history reports of this society. From 1936 Bethe was also a corresponding member of the Society for Pomeranian History, Archeology and Art . He left an extensive genealogical archive on the topics: Scots in Pomerania , artists and craftsmen in Pomerania , doctors in Pomerania and surgeons, field shearers and oculists in Pomerania , which is now in Leipzig .

Martin Bethe was married to Ellen Margret (born April 10, 1873 in Copenhagen ) the daughter of the Copenhagen merchant William Andersen (1844-1897) since 1895 . The son Eduard (* 1896) died in Flanders in 1917 . The daughter Ingeborg (* 1909) married Ernst Mommsen, a grandson of the historian Theodor Mommsen , in 1935 .
