Martin Huss (printer)

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Martin Huss (also Huss , * around 1445 in Bottwar ; † after 1482) was the third printer in Lyon and created the oldest illustrated French printing work.


Huss came from Bottwar near Marbach in Württemberg . He enrolled at the University of Erfurt in 1468 and earned a master's degree . In Basel, Huss learned the art of printing.

With Johannes Siber († 1493) from Nördlingen , who was also one of the "learned book printers", Huss founded the third book printing company in Lyon. After printing, two medical stations with a Type Basler style to Huss separates from Siber and opened his own printing office . The doctor Johannes Theobaldi (Jean Thibaut) participated in the joint venture as a proofreader and financier.

The last prints by Huss were published in 1482. Then Matthias Huss from Bottwar took up his work. Mirouer de la rédemption humaine , a translation of the Speculum humanae salvationis by Julien Macho, was the oldest illustrated French printed work. Martin Huss printed two editions in 1478 and 1479. He took over the wooden printing blocks for the 256 illustrations from Bernhard Richel from Basel. Matthias Huss prints three more editions of the work. It cannot be proven whether he is a younger brother of Martin and has already worked in his workshop. In addition, the elder printed several legal and canonical works as well as a French psalter with his own types . One of his clients is the publisher Barthélemy Buyer († around 1485).

The younger Huss is documented in 1507 in Lyon.

Works printed by Martin Huss (selection)

  • J. Mesue : De consolatione medicinarum. With Joh.Siber, March 1478.
  • Matthaeus Silvaticus : Pandectae medicinae. With Joh.Siber, April 1478.
  • Johannes Petrus de Ferrariis: Practica iudicialis. With Joh.Siber, 1478.
  • Letter of indulgence for the best of the restoration of the Saintes Cathedral . With Joh.Siber, 1478.
  • Mirouer de la rédemption humaine (Speculum humanae salvationis). August 1478.
  • Mirouer de la rédemption humaine (Speculum humanae salvationis). 1479.
  • Jean de Mandeville : Itinerarium. For Barthélemy Buyer, 1480.
  • Odofredus: Lectura super Codicis Justiniani libros I-IX. 1480.
  • Aldobrandino da Siena : Le Livre pour garder la santé du corps. 1481.
  • Psaltery (French). Without a year.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ In 1462 a Johannes Sibber de nor [d] lingen studied in Freiburg im Breisgau , cf. Karl Steiff : Siber, Johannes . (Online) ADB Volume 34 (1892), pp. 131f.
  2. GW M23033
  3. GW M42127
  4. GW 9810
  5. GW 8310N
  6. GW M43026
  7. GW M43029
  8. GW M20426
  9. GW M27507
  10. ^ GW 857
  11. GW M36250