Martin Kastler

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Martin Kastler 2014

Martin Kastler (born June 18, 1974 in Nuremberg ) is a German CSU politician and was a member of the European Parliament until 2014 .


education and profession

After attending the Martin-Behaim-Gymnasium in Nuremberg, Kastler studied history and politics in Erlangen and Prague from 1994 to 2000 . He gained European political experience from 1996 to 1997 as an employee in the foreign policy department of the President of the Czech Republic , Václav Havel . Then Kastler became press spokesman for the marketing association of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and editor at DATEV . Kastler has been a journalist and journalist since 1996. From 2004 until his return to the European Parliament in December 2008, he was head of the division for development policy issues and EU project coordinator at the Hanns Seidel Foundation . Since leaving the European Parliament, he has headed the Central European project of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, headquartered in Prague, as representative and regional director, responsible for the activities of the CSU-affiliated foundation in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Since the winter semester 2017/18 he has been a part-time lecturer at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in the intercultural management course at the Rothenburg ob der Tauber location.

Party career

Martin Kastler has been a member of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria since 1993 and has been deputy state chairman of the CSA workers' union in Bavaria since 2013.

Member of Parliament

Martin Kastler first moved into the European Parliament for the CSU from 2003 to 2004 and succeeded Emilia Müller , who was appointed to the state government by the then Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber . After the Bavarian state elections in September 2008, Kastler replaced Alexander Radwan . In the 2009 European elections, Martin Kastler was elected as a member of the European Parliament for the full 2009-2014 legislative period.

Martin Kastler was a member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and an alternate member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL). He is also a member of the EU-Macedonia Delegation (DANZ) and a deputy member of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of Representatives from the African Union (AU) and the EU. Kastler is environmental and social policy spokesman for the CSU European group. He also held the office of Vice-President of the Intergroup Bioethics and the EPP Bioethics Working Group.

For the European elections on May 25, 2014, Martin Kastler ran as the top candidate for Middle Franconia in 7th place on the CSU list. Since the CSU only won five seats, Kastler did not move into parliament again.

Other engagement

Martin Kastler is the federal chairman of the German-Czech-Slovakian Ackermann congregation (AG see below) founded by Catholic expellees and is an honorary member of the main committee of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) and chairman of the administrative board of the German-Czech Future Fund in Prague.

  • Due to the common past within the framework of Czechoslovakia (1918–1992), the AG is also linked to present-day Slovakia on a friendly and cooperative basis

He is the socio-political advisory board of the Association of Scientific Catholic Student Associations Unitas (UV) (UNITAS Franko-Palatia, Nuremberg-Erlangen) and an honorary member of the KDSt.V. Ferdinandea-Prag zu Heidelberg in the CV since 2014.

Further memberships: Club of the old scholarship holders of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (CdAS), in the Gewerbeverein 1848 Schwabach und Umgebung eV, the Görres-Gesellschaft and in the Paneuropa Österreich Paneuropa-Union Austria .

Since November 22, 2013, Kastler has been re-elected by the General Assembly of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) as spokesman for the European Cooperation and Intercultural Issues department. He is the successor to Hubert Tintelott .


Martin Kastler is married to a Czech woman, has three children and lives in Prague and Schwabach . Kastler completed a church music education in D and C and plays the organ.

Political positions


As one of 28 members of parliament, Kastler turned on April 18, 2012 (against a majority of 580 votes in favor with 74 abstentions) against a resolution that would create a legal basis for monitoring Internet censorship by autocratic regimes and EU export regulations Technologies that serve the Internet censorship, demands.


Chancellor has strong references to religion. He himself describes “the support of persecuted Christians worldwide” as one of the “central points” of his political and voluntary commitment. Elsewhere he emphasized that for him volunteer work in the church was “at the top of the agenda alongside his parliamentary work”.

In 2011, the European Commission distributed a school calendar that inadvertently did not include any references to Christian holidays. Specifications from other religions such as Islam, Judaism and even Hinduism were taken into account. In this context, Kastler stated: “The combative atheism in the apparatus of the EU Commission is intolerable - it needs a clear, Christian answer. This arbitrariness screams to heaven ”He explained the process was“ a cheek! ”And demanded“ the responsible officials to be brought to justice immediately. I expect a personal apology from the Commission President. ”As a result, together with the Catholic and Protestant deaneries Schwabach and Roth, Kastler initiated a collection of around 3,000 signatures, which he and a pastor handed over to the responsible EU Commissioner, who finally corrected the calendar let.

Sunday work

Martin Kastler is the initiator of the First European Citizens' Initiative, the aim of which is to protect Sunday as a rest day across Europe. To this end, he presented the online campaign portal “Sundays are ours!” In the European Parliament in Strasbourg on February 10, 2010.

Limitation of bonus payments from fund managers

In July 2013 he was the only member of the European MPs for the Union and FDP to vote for a limit on bonus payments from fund managers.

Web links

Commons : Martin Kastler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. German-Czech Future Fund Website German-Czech Future Fund
  3. elected Martin Kastlerzum spokesman for European cooperation and intercultural issues ZdK: Network EBD ( Memento of 2 December 2013, Internet Archive ), accessed November 25, 2013.
  4. ^ Ryan Gallagher: Who Voted Against Restricting Sales of Spy Tech to Dictators? These European Politicians. . In: slate , April 19, 2012.
  5. Hello! , accessed on June 5, 2012.
  6. Ehrenamt & Kirche , accessed on June 5, 2012.
  7. Chancellor: EU youth calendar is "a cheek". , January 13, 2011 , accessed June 5, 2012.
  8. cf. Press release: Kastler: EU youth calendar without Christian holidays is a cheek. January 12, 2011 , accessed June 5, 2012.
  9. cf. Press release: 'Success: New EU School Calendar Christian again', July 7, 2011 , accessed on June 5, 2012.
  10. July 3, 2013