Martinus J. Langeveld

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Martinus Jan Langeveld (born October 30, 1905 in Haarlem , † December 15, 1989 in Bussum ) was a Dutch teacher and professor of education . Langeveld is part of the educational phenomenology ( Utrecht School ).


Martinus J. Langeveld

After attending the Higher Citizens School (HBS) in Amsterdam , Langeveld was called up for military service in 1921 , which he tried to refuse with reference to his Baptist background, which the doctor on duty refused. At the Amsterdam Lyceum he met the children of Philip Kohnstamm , with whom he subsequently became acquainted.

After graduating from high school in 1925, he enrolled at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) for the subjects of Dutch and philosophy . There Kohnstamm, like Hendrik Josephus Pos , became his teacher. With the help of their support, he toured Germany in the 1930s and heard a. A. with Edmund Husserl , Martin Heidegger , William Stern and Theodor Litt lectures .

From 1931 to 1949 Langeveld worked as a teacher for Dutch at the Baarn Lyceum . After completing his dissertation with the title “Taal en Denk bij 12- tot 14 jarigen” (language and thinking among 12 to 14 year olds) in 1934 he was appointed associate professor for education at the University of Utrecht . In 1941 he switched to a professorship for special education at the UvA as successor and at the request of his teacher Kohnstamm, who was dismissed by the German occupying forces because of his Jewish origins.

After the end of the Second World War , Langeveld returned to the University of Utrecht in 1946, following a call for a professorship for pedagogy, general didactics and developmental psychology . There he headed the Institute for Pedagogy, where “clinical pedagogy”, ie practical educational advice for “difficult children”, was practiced. The institute also offered preparatory courses for future teachers for the state examination (so-called MO-A and MO-B programs).

In the 1960s, Langeveld expanded his own academic socialization of German psychology and pedagogy through American developmental psychology and philosophy. The combination of these and the participation in the Utrecht School of Phenomenology around Frederik Jacobus Johannes Buytendijk (who, like Langeveld, worked there from 1946 to 1957) led to the development of phenomenological pedagogy (see work and publications) as a fundamental theoretical reflection on education and its subjects. In 1972, Langeveld retired , but continued to work and publish into the 1980s and was awarded honorary doctorates from the Universities of Zurich and Pretoria for his services . As early as 1966 Langeveld was awarded the royal knightly order. A building in his honor has been named after him at the University of Utrecht since 2001. Today Langeveld in the Netherlands is considered to be one of the most influential educationalists of the second half of the 20th century.

Research and work

Langeveld's research is characterized by a strong focus on the individual and a theoretically demanding reflection on pedagogical practice and the development of children and adolescents from a phenomenological way of thinking. The "Beknopte theoretical pedagogiek" (= a brief theoretical pedagogy), which was created during the war years, advanced to become a standard work for generations of pedagogy students in the Netherlands. The work “Studies on the Anthropology of Children”, published in German in 1959, has not yet been translated into Dutch. In contrast, some of his key works were translated into Japanese through contact with the educationalist Shuji Wada and thus had a lasting influence on the so-called Kyōto School of the University of Kyoto .

In terms of knowledge and science policy, Langeveld found himself in explicit contradiction to the quantitative measurement of childhood by the empirical-analytical psychologist Adrian de Groot at the University of Utrecht. In the 1970s Langeveld was received more and more (also because of the availability of his writings in German). A. by Werner Loch . For some years now, Langeveld's writings have again received increased attention, both in English and in German-speaking and Dutch educational science.

Publications (selection)

  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1934). Taal en think [= language and thinking]. Groningen: Wolters.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1937). Inleiding tot de study of pedagogical psychology van de middelbare schoolleeftijd [= introduction to the study of pedagogical psychology in high school]. Groningen: Wolters.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1945). Knopte theoretical pedagogiek [= a brief theoretical pedagogy]. Groningen: Wolters-Nordhoff. 1945.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1953). De “hidden plaats” in het leven van het kind [= the “secret place” in the child's life]. In: Jan Hendrik van den Berg & Johannes Linschoten (eds.), Persoon en wereld [= Person and World] (pp. 11–32) .Utrecht: Bijleved.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1953). Ontwikkelingspsychologie [= developmental psychology]. Groningen: Wolters.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1956). Child en religie. Enige varsh voorafgaande aan een godsdienstpedagogiek [= child and religion. Some questions about previous religious education]. Purmerend: Bijleveld.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1959). Studies on the anthropology of the child. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1959). Capita uit de algemene methodology of opvoedingswetenschap [= methodology and "sense" orientation in pedagogy, Munich: Reinhardt. 1981]. Groningen: Wolters-Nordhoff.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1960). School as the way of the child. Braunschweig: Westermann.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1969). Columbus. Analysis of the development to adulthood through image interpretation. Basel-New York: Karger.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1974). Intelligence leef je zelf [= Intelligence is your life]. Meppel: Boom.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1974). Elk child is he één. Meedenken en meehelpen bij grown en opvoeden [= Every child is one. Thinking along and helping with growing up and growing up]. Nijkerk: Callenbach.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1979). Canteens were never born. Inleiding tot de pedagogische waardenleer [= people are not born. Introduction to Pedagogical Values]. Nijkerk: Callenbach.

Literature on Langeveld

  • Hohmann, Manfred (1971). Langeveld's pedagogy. Investigations into his understanding of science. Bochum: Kamp.
  • Imelman, Jan Dirk & Rispens, Jan (1979). Martinus Jan Langeveld . In: JD Imelman (ed.): Filosofie van opvoeding en onderwijs, pp. 159–173. Groningen: Noordhoff.
  • Langeveld, Martinus J. (1978). Martinus Jan Langeveld. In: L. Pongratz (Ed.): Pedagogy in Self-Presentation , Vol. III, pp. 109–149. Hamburg: Mine.
  • Levering, Bas (1991). Subject number Langeveld, met bijdragen van J. Rispens & P. ​​Schoorl, A. Rang & B. Rang en de redacteur. Pedagogisch tijdschrift , 16 (3), pp. 143–192.
  • Levering, Bas (2008). Martinus Jan Langeveld - Modern Nederlands pedagoog met international allure. In: TM Kroon & B. Levering (eds.), Grote pedagogen in klein bestek, pp. 214–220. Amsterdam: SWP.
  • Levering, Bas (2012). Martinus J. Langeveld: Modern Educationalist of Everyday Upbringing. In: Paul Standish and Naoko Saito (Eds.). Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy. Pedagogy for Human Transformation , pp. 133-146. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi : 10.1007 / 978-94-007-4047-1_10 .
  • Wilfried Lippitz (1980). Possibilities of a lifeworld concept of experience in pedagogical-anthropological thinking - presented in Langeveld's pedagogy. In: Pädagogische Rundschau 34, pp. 695–721.
  • Lippitz, Wilfried (1997). Martinus J. Langeveld (1905–1989): "Integral Pedagogy" under the sign of its pluralization. The phenomenologically oriented pedagogy on the way to life-world pedagogical research. In: W. Brinkmann & W. Harth-Peter (eds.): Freedom - History - Reason. Basic lines of humanities education. Festschrift for Winfried Böhm , pp. 374–390. Würzburg: Real one.
  • Ponnath, Rainer (1995). Pedagogy as a practical science? On the possibility of a scientific orientation of pedagogical action following MJ Langeveld's theory of the educational situation (= Diss. Phil., Regensburg, 1993). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
  • Vries, Cornelius Gabriel de (1977). The theoretical pedagogy of MJ Langeveld . Stellenbosch-Grahamstad: Universitets-Uitgewers.
  • Warsewa, Erich (1972). The world of the child as a human form of life. An introduction to MJ Langeveld's anthropological thinking . Diss. Phil., Tübingen.

Individual evidence

  1. Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw . In: Universiteit Utrecht . December 2, 2014 ( [accessed May 25, 2017]).
  2. Biography of pedagoog Martin Langeveld onder de loep. January 1, 2015, accessed May 25, 2017 .
  3. ^ Bas Levering: Martinus Jan Langeveld: Modern Educationalist of Everyday Upbringing . In: Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy (=  Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education ). No. 1 . Springer Netherlands, 2012, ISBN 978-94-007-4046-4 , pp. 133–146 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-94-007-4047-1_10 ( [accessed May 26, 2017]).
  4. Shuji Wada: Reinspiring Japanese educational objectives . In: Peabody Journal of Education . tape 68 , no. 4 , June 1, 1993, ISSN  0161-956X , p. 76-87 , doi : 10.1080 / 01619569309538743 .