Mathias Gutmann

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Mathias Gutmann (born February 8, 1966 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a biologist and philosopher from the school of methodical culturalism . He is co-initiator of the Forum for Critical Interdisciplinarity (FKI) and winner of the State Teaching Prize Baden-Württemberg 2015.


Gutmann studied philosophy, history , zoology , biophysics and botany at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . After receiving his diploma in 1992, he received his doctorate in 1995 at the Institute for Philosophy at the Philipps University in Marburg under Peter Janich and in 1998, again in Frankfurt, in biology.

From 1999 to 2002 he worked as an assistant, from 2002 to 2008 as a junior professor for "Anthropology between Biosciences and Cultural Research" as a philosophy lecturer in Marburg. In addition to his junior professorship in 2004, he also completed his conventional habilitation with a paper on The Mediality of Experience .

Gutmann has been Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the Institute of Philosophy at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology since October 2008 .

He and Peter Nick received the State Teaching Award for Baden-Württemberg in 2015 for the FKI initiative.

Research priorities

Influenced by his work on theories of biological evolution , Gutmann has dealt intensively in research and teaching with the scientific theory of biology, in particular evolutionary biology and genetics. In philosophy, he has mainly devoted himself to anthropology and dialectical philosophy. Philosophy History is it according to a concern that almost forgotten philosophers of Wilhelm Dilthey subsequent Göttingen school as Georg Misch and Joseph King recycle it back into focus of current research. Among other things, this is intended to help correct the impression that there was no contemporary Heidegger criticism in Germany, the exponents of which included Misch and König.

In addition to Dilthey, Misch and König, Ernst Cassirer , especially his “Philosophy of Symbolic Forms”, and the philosophical anthropologists, especially Helmuth Plessner , but also Max Scheler and Arnold Gehlen , can be regarded as his most important influences.

Fonts (selection)


  • The theory of evolution and its subject matter - contribution of methodological philosophy to a constructive theory of evolution. (Studies on the theory of biology, edited by Olaf Breidbach and Michael Weingarten - Volume 1). VWB, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-86135-045-9 .
  • Learning from experience. Habil.transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 3-89942-187-6 .

Community publications

  • with Peter Janich and Kathrin Prieß: Biodiversity. Scientific basis and social relevance. Springer, Berlin 2001. ( Scientific ethics and technology assessment. Series of publications of the "European Academy for Research into Consequences of Scientific and Technical Developments Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH" - Vol. 10)
  • with Armin Grunwald and Eva M. Neumann-Held: On Human Nature : Anthropological, Biological and Philosophical Foundations. Springer, Berlin 2002. ( Scientific ethics and technology assessment. Series of publications of the "European Academy for Research into the Consequences of Scientific and Technical Developments Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH" - Vol. 15)
  • with Dirk Hartmann , Michael Weingarten and Walter Zitterbarth: Culture, Action, Science. For Peter Janich . (Festschrift) Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist 2002.
  • with Siegfried Blasche and Michael Weingarten: Representation Mundi. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2004, ISBN 978-3-89942-127-9 .
  • with Gerhard Gamm and Alexandra Manzei: Between anthropology and social theory. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 978-3-89942-319-8 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website FKI Karlsruhe
  2. Press release on the state teaching award for BW