Mattanza - a love dream

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Original title Mattanza - a love dream
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1969
length 81 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Jerzy Macc
script Lida Winiewicz , Jerzy Macc
production Ebelin Bucerius
music Benedetto Ghiglia
camera Bob Sticky
cut Peter Hundertmark

Mattanza - ein Liebestraum is a German drama film by Jerzy Macc, shot in Sicily in 1968 and starring Günther Stoll .


TV star Krämer is fed up, everything is getting too much for him: the jubilation, the hustle and bustle, the cheerfulness at home in Germany, where he is known as a sore thumb and simply cannot calm down. So he decides - at least temporarily - to get out. He is drawn to the sunny south, and in Sicily he hopes to find himself again and to have enough leisure to reflect on and rethink his previous life. On site, Krämer, who uses the pseudonym Dr. Randolf, whom young Rita know and ultimately love. Is it the turning point in his life, what he was always looking for? Can he start a new future with her? Happiness seems to be within reach, but the chasers from home, the paparazzi and sensational journalists, have long been on the trail of Krämer, and they hunt him until his love for Rita threatens to break apart.

Production notes

Mattanza - a love dream originated in Sicily in mid-1968 and was released in German cinemas on January 23, 1969.

In an original way, this film about the merciless paparazzi mischief was produced by newspaper makers, more precisely: by Ebelin Bucerius (1911–1997), the wife of the Zeit publisher Gerd Bucerius .


The Lexicon of International Films said: "A film in the style of an illustrated story for beautiful landscape shots from Sicily."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mattanza - a love dream. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed April 10, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used