Max Martini (painter)

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Max Martini (born November 7, 1867 in Eisenach , † June 1920 in Weimar ) was a German draftsman , landscape and genre painter .


Martini studied from 1886 to 1892 at the "Weimar Painting School" with Max Thedy and Leopold von Kalckreuth . Many of his motifs come from the area around Weimar and Thuringia . He exhibited his work in Dresden in 1892 . His picture view of the Wartburg is in the holdings of the City Museum Weimar.

Works (selection)

  • Weimar residential palace with "Bastille" , Weimar City Museum
  • View of the Wartburg , Weimar City Museum
  • Mühlgraben in Wasungen , 1903
  • Village landscape in spring
  • On the park bench , 1893
  • Spring in the valley (near Weimar) , 1911
  • Forest interior , 1886
  • View of the Veste Coburg
  • City Church Weimar
  • Canyon
  • Evening landscape in Franconia near Egloffstein
  • Summer river landscape
  • Old gray-bearded farmer
  • Thuisbrunn in Franconian Switzerland
  • Church in Leuna with old houses
  • The smoker , half-length portrait
  • Portrait of Johann Ambrosius Bach , after an oil painting by Johann David Herlicius , 1907, Bachhaus Eisenach


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Walther Scheidig, Renate Müller-Krumbach (ed.): The Weimar School of Painting 1860–1900 . Seemann, 1991, ISBN 3-363-00538-5 , p. 238.
  2. Max Martini. In: Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie
  3. ^ Martini, Max (1867-1920), Painter. In: Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionary of Artists . ISBN 978-0-19977-378-7 , 2006.
  4. ^ A b Weimar / Wartburg - Wartburg / Weimar - Carl Alexander's cultural concepts for "the whole educated world". In: Stadtmuseum Weimar, 2011.
  5. Michael Baar: "I LOVE WE" supports the restoration of Wartburg paintings. In: Thüringer Allgemeine from December 21, 2010.
  6. a b c d e Max Martini (German, 1867–1920). In: artnet
  7. a b c d e f g h i Max Martini (1867–1920). In: