Max Nadoleczny

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Max Nadoleczny (born March 16, 1874 in Zurich ; † November 6, 1940 there ) was a Swiss ENT doctor of paramount importance for phonetics .


After graduating from high school in Mainz, he studied preclinical studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . On March 9, 1895, he passed the Physikum . He switched to the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel and the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He returned to Munich to finish his medical studies. There he was licensed as a doctor and qualified as a Dr. med. PhD . He completed his training in ear, nose and throat medicine from 1898 to 1901 with Rudolf Haug and Philipp Schech in Munich , with Giuseppe Gradenigo in Turin , Hermann Gutzmann in Berlin (1900) and with Marcel Lermoyez at the Hôpital Saint-Antoine in Paris ( 1900/01). In November 1901 he settled in Munich as an ENT doctor for speech and voice disorders. In 1910 he took over a department for speech and voice patients at the otolaryngological university clinic in Munich. At the request of his teacher Gutzmann , he completed his habilitation in 1922. In the following year, he received a call to the Charité as Gutzmann's successor. After Nadoleczny had rejected this call, which appointed him Bavarian government to associate professor with a teaching contract for voice and voice disorders for students of all faculties and for medical students and doctors. Nadoleczny also gave regular lectures at the Academy of Music . Corresponding publications can be found in manuals for internal medicine and paediatrics. Singing teachers and singers appreciated the monograph on art singing published in 1923 . In 1925 he founded the German Society for Speech and Voice Medicine, which he chaired until 1936. Among his students were Horst Ludwig Wullstein and Gottfried Eduard Arnold .


  • Corresponding member of the Société française de phoniatrie
  • Corresponding member of the Vienna Laryngological Society
  • Honorary member of the Società italiana di fonetice e di foniatria
  • Honorary member of the Experimental Phonetics and Phoniatrics Section of the Moscow Otolaryngological Society
  • Elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (September 1940)


  • Research on art singing , 1923.
  • Textbook of Speech and Voice Disorders , 1926.
  • Physiology of voice and language
  • Speech disorders , in: A. Denker and O. Kahler: Handbook of ear, nose and throat medicine including the border areas , Vol. 1 and 5.

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: On a case of traumatic myopia .
  2. ^ Habilitation thesis: Investigations on art singing .
  3. E. Schlittler: Max Nadoleczny (1874–1940)