Maximilian Waag

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Maximilian Waag (born November 7, 1804 in Karlsruhe ; † July 4, 1873 there ) was a lawyer and official member of the Baden civil service since 1828 , comparable to today's district administrator .



He was the son of the Grand Ducal Baden General State Treasurer in Karlsruhe Karl Friedrich Waag (born July 3, 1771 in Eggenstein ; † November 14, 1833 in Karlsruhe) and his wife Charlotte, née Füßlin (born March 3, 1781 in Karlsruhe; † April 8 1850 ibid). The later Prussian infantry general and governor of the Rastatt fortress Ludwig Waag (1812–1879) was his brother.


After studying law, initially at the University of Göttingen and from October 28, 1824 at the University of Heidelberg , Waag became a legal intern on July 5, 1826 after passing the state examination . He was then employed as an intern at the Durlach district office , where he became assessor on April 14, 1828 . On November 14, 1836, he was appointed bailiff and on March 6, 1841, he was transferred to the Karlsruhe municipal office . On October 4, 1842, Waag was appointed head of the Hornberg district office , where he was promoted to senior bailiff on January 2, 1843. From December 3, 1847, he was head of the Lahr District Office , from September 8, 1849, the Ettlingen District Office, and from January 24, 1855, the Schwetzingen District Office . He was retired on March 25, 1865.

Political activity

In 1841/42 Waag was a member of the Baden Estates Assembly for constituency 9 (city of Durlach ) of the 10th state parliament. In 1842/43 and 1843/45 he was a member of constituency 27 (Amt Durlach without the city of Durlach and Amt Stein ) of the 11th and 12th state parliaments.


He married on July 25, 1837 in Karlsruhe Wilhelmine Friederike Volz (born October 19, 1806 in Karlsruhe; † December 9, 1872 there), daughter of field provost Wilhelm Ludwig Volz and Friederike Wilhelmine, a born businessman. This marriage resulted in seven children: Sophie (* November 21, 1839 in Karlsruhe; † July 27, 1845), Marie Karoline (* October 20, 1840 in Karlsruhe; † September 10, 1941 ibid), Karl Friedrich (* March 22 1842 in Karlsruhe; † March 24, 1915 in Radolfzell ), Elisabeth (1843–1844), son who was stillborn in 1846, Helene (born August 16, 1848 in Lahr ; † March 3, 1927 in Karlsruhe) and Emilie († 1850).


  • Bernd Breitkopf: The old districts and their heads of office. The emergence of the districts and offices in what is today the district of Karlsruhe. Biographies of the senior officials and district administrators from 1803 to 1997 . Regional culture publishing house, Ubstadt-Weiher 1997, ISBN 3-929366-48-7 , pp. 182-183.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kurt von Priesdorff : Soldatisches Führertum . Volume 8, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1941], DNB 367632837 , p. 100, no. 2498.