Meliboeus parvulus

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Meliboeus parvulus
Meliboeus parvulus

Meliboeus parvulus

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Jewel beetle (Buprestidae)
Subfamily : Agrilinae
Genre : Meliboeus
Type : Meliboeus parvulus
Scientific name
Meliboeus parvulus
( Küster , 1852)

Meliboeus parvulus is a beetle from the family of the jewel beetle and the subfamily Agrilinae . The genus Meliboeus is represented worldwide with over 220 species . In Europe there are nineteen species, which are divided into three subgenera. Meliboeus parvulus belongs to the subgenus Meliboeoides . The species occurs in two subspecies, Meliboeus parvulus parvulus in southeastern Europe and Meliboeus parvulus ponticus in Romania, the Ukraine and the European part of Russia.

Comment on the name

The beetle was first described by Küster in 1852 under the name Coraebus parvulus . The part of the name párvulus ( Latin ) means 'quite small'. The description shows that this is meant as a distinguishing feature to the very similar Coraebus robustus (today Meliboeus (Meliboeoides) robustus ) which is more than one and a half times as long as parvulus .

The genus Meliboeus was established by Deyrolle in 1864 when he was processing the jewel beetle material that Wallace had collected on the islands of the Malay Archipelago . Meliboeus and Coraebus are names anchored in Greek mythology that have no relation to properties of the beetle.

Meliboeus parvulus is synonymous with Meliboeus violaceus (Kiesenwetter 1857). Some coleopterologists tried to preserve the common name violaceus , which is why relatively new publications use the name Meliboeus violaceus . In the meantime, however, the older name parvulus has established itself .

Properties of the beetle

Meliboeus parvulus detail1.jpg Meliboeus parvulus detail2.jpg
Fig. 1: Detail of the neck
shield from the taxi image
Explanations in the text
Fig. 2: Detail of the wing
cover, one hair red wing cover
seam green
Meliboeus parvulus up.jpg
Fig. 3: Top view
Meliboeus parvulus side1.jpg
Meliboeus parvulus detail.jpg
Fig. 4: side view Fig. 5: Claw link
Meliboeus parvulus under.jpgMeliboeus parvulus detail3.jpg
Fig. 6: Underside, collar band in the cutout on the right
partially outlined in white

The beetle is around five millimeters in size and almost three times as long as it is wide. It has a flat arch and the sides are almost parallel to the posterior area of ​​the wing covers. The upper side is usually blue-green, sometimes blue or purple, rarely almost black ( variety carbo). The underside and the body appendages are black, the head and the sides of the pronotum with a gold sheen. Obenberger described the aurifluus variant as beautifully golden, with sometimes reddish reflections on the sides .

The head is oriented downwards perpendicular to the body axis. It is wider than it is long, arched and slightly indented between the eyes, but without a clear longitudinal groove that reaches the vertex. It is moderately dense and punctured somewhat wrinkled. The eleven-link antennae are shorter than the head wide. They are hairy and toothed from the fifth link onwards.

The pronotum is about 1.8 times as wide as it is long in the middle, as wide as the head at the front and hardly wider at the base than the elytra on the shoulders. The front corners are strongly curved downwards, the rear corners are rectangular and not keeled. The side edge of the pronotum runs from the front corner outwards and upwards, behind the middle the pronotum narrows again to just before the rear corners. The base of the pronotum is elongated to the rear in the middle part and rounded off (red traced in Fig. 1). In addition to this extension, the base of the pronotum, closely connected to the wing covers, is slightly cut out (traced in yellow in Fig. 1). The pronotum is arched lengthways in the middle, laterally indented in the front third. In addition, on each side a clear impression runs from the base to the side of the label to the front and outside, reaching the side edge in the middle and lifting the middle of the pronotum towards the base as a bulge. The pronotum is shiny, the back corners usually with a golden sheen. It is hairy and finely dotted. In the back corners there are net-like grooves (white in Fig. 1), and fine grooves arching inward over them (scribble, ( m. ), In Fig. 1 a scribble colored green). The dots are on the outer edge of the intervals between the scribbles (pink in Fig. 1).

In the sides of the first chest section there are no longitudinal cavities into which the feelers could be inserted.

The abdominal part of the first breast section is widened broadly towards the front (chin band, in Fig. 6, section on the right, partially outlined in white). The chin band is not divided into two lobes, as in Meliboeus episcopalis , but only more or less flat in the middle (see remark below).

The black label is short and wide. It does not have a transverse keel.

The elytra are flat and together as wide as the pronotum. Behind the middle they are only slightly expanded, at the end they are individually bluntly rounded. They are provided with an almost imperceptible serration on the edge at the back. The elytra are fairly evenly covered with fine hairs (in Fig. 2 a single hair colored red). The hairs are not protruding diagonally as in Meliboeus oliveri , but the hair tips are curved back to the surface of the wing cover. The elytra are finely wrinkled like scales, behind the wrinkles are less pronounced.

The first four members of the five-membered tarsi are about the same length. The claw link is significantly longer and has split claws (Fig. 5).

The underside is fine and indistinctly dotted. It is very short, whitish, finely haired.

The subspecies ponticus is described by Obenberger as a subspecies of violaceus and delineated by violaceus as smaller and more delicate, less flattened with finer and less dense dots on the head and weaker sculpting of the wing covers. Obenberger describes the subspecies from Sarepta ( Volgograd ) and Tauria ( Crimea ), thus from the same large area from which the beetle described by Küster as parvulus comes ( Orenburg Oblast ). For the violaceus described by Kiesenwetter, on the other hand, Greece and Crete are given as home. Older identification keys, in which violaceus and parvulus are still listed as separate species, separate the two now combined species according to the shape of the chin band, the depth of the frontal furrow and the intensity of the sculpting of the pronotum.


The beetle can be found on thistle leaves. The development takes place in the roots of kinds of the genera the Ring- ( Carduus ) and the Kratzdisteln ( Cirsium ). The species is reported from Greece from late March to mid-July. According to a Russian source, the species develops on the genus Eryngium . According to a Romanian source, the development takes place in the stems of cirsium , onopordum , ( donkey thistle ), carlina ( boar root ) or echinops ( spherical thistle ) on dry, sunny locations.


The subspecies Meliboeus parvulus ponticus occurs only in Romania and Ukraine . The root form Meliboeus parvulus parvulus, on the other hand, is native to Croatia , Albania , Montenegro , Bosnia-Herzegovina , Serbia , Romania, Bulgaria , Hungary , Greece with the Dodecanese and the North Aegean Islands , Italy with Sicily , North Macedonia , European Turkey and European Russia.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Meliboeus parvulus , Meliboeus parvulus ponticus , Meliboeus parvulus parvulus and Meliboeus from Fauna Europaea, accessed on February 11, 2019
  2. a b Alex Prokhorov: Review of Ukrainian Species of the Genus Meliboeus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Agrilinae . In Vestnik Zoologii 45 (6), pp. 503-511 [1]
  3. a b c H. C. Küster: The beetles of Europe - described from nature 24th issue. Nuremberg 1852 unpaginated, Coraebus parvulus
  4. Sigmund Schenkling: Explanation of the scientific beetle names (species)
  5. ^ Henri Deyrolle: Buprestides de la Malaisie Brussels, Paris 1864 p. 132 Meliboeus
  6. a b c H. v. Kiesenwetter: Natural history of the insects of Germany 1. Section IV. Volume, Berlin 1857 p. 115 No. 3 Coraebus violoaceus
  7. a b H.Mühle, P.Brandl: Meliboeus (Meliboeoides) makrisi sp.n. a new species of the genus Meliboeus (Deyrolle), 1864 from Cyprus . In the newsletter of Bavarian Entomologists 58 (3/4) 2009 p. 54
  8. I. Löbl, A. Smetana (Ed.): Catalog of Palaearctic Coleoptera Vol. 3 Scarabaeoidea - Scirtoidea - Dascilloidea - Buprestoidea - Byrrhoidea, Brill 2016 ISBN 978-90-04-30913-5 (hardcover) ISBN 978-90- 04-30914-2 (e-book) p. 562 Melioebus parvulus Synonym Melioebus violaceus in the Google book search
  9. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 73 (2-4) 2017 Closure of Cases Meliboeus violaceus Case 3559
  10. a b Jan Obenberger: Symbolae ad specierum regionis palaearcticae Buprestidarum cognitionem . In Jubilejní sborník Československé společnosti entomologické Prague 1924, p. 33, no. 63 subspecies ponticus and no. 62 variety carbo in the Google book search
  11. J. Obenberger: Studies on Palearctic Buprestiden . In Wiener Entomologische Zeitung year 35 Vienna, 1916 p. 235ff p. 266 no. 45, variant aurifluus
  12. Manfred Niehuis: Meliboeus (Meliboeoides) oliveri n. Sp. - a new jewel beetle from Greece, Cyprus and the Middle East (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) . In communications from international entomological ver. Volume 39, Issue 1/2 p. 93 - 111 Frankfurt am Main, July 15, 2014 ISSN 1019-2808
  13. a b Edmund Reitter: Contribution to the knowledge of the blue and green Coraebus species from the relationship of C. violaceus Kiesw. In Coleopterologische Rundschau 2nd year, Vienna 1913 p. 173 Key for parvulus
  14. a b c E. Abeille de Perrin: Notes sur les Buprestides paléarctiques . In Révue d'Entomologie Volume XV, Caen 1896 p. 269 ff p. 277 Keys, p. 278 Coraebus violaceus
  15. SA de Marseul : Monograph des Buprestides in L'Abeille - Mémoires d'Éntomologie tome II, Paris 1865 p. 428 parvulus , key p. 414
  16. Meliboeus violaceus at coleo-net , accessed on February 10, 2019
  17. Göksel TOZLU, Hikmet ÖZBEK: Faunistic and Taxonomic Studies on the Family Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in Erzurum, Erzincan, Artvin and Kars Provinces II. Sphenoptarinae, Chalcophorinae, Chrysobothrinae, Agrilinae, Cylindromorphinae and Trachyoolinae (2000) , 79-103 key feature 4 p. 14/92
  18. H.Mühle, P. Brandl, M. Niehuis: Catalogus Faunae Graeciae; Coleoptera: Buprestidae Printed in Germany by Georg Rößle Augsburg 2000 p. 157 as Meliboeus violaceus
  19. Zamotaylovi NB Nikitsky (ed.): ЖЕСТКОКРЫЛЫЕ НАСЕКОМЫЕ (INSECTA, COLEOPTERA) РЕСПУБЛИКИ АДЫГЕЯ (annotated catalog of species of beetles from Adygeja "1. STATE UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION1", p
  20. Adrian Ruicănescu: Contribuţii la studiul faunistic şi ecologic al buprestoideelor din Rezervaţia Biosferei delta Dunării (Coleoptera Buprestoidea) in Bul.inf. Soc.lepid.rom. 6 (1-2), 1995 ISSN 1221-5244 p. 113

Web links

Commons : Meliboeus parvulus  - collection of images, videos and audio files