Men-Fort Gabriel

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Men-Fort Gabriel (* August 1608 in Ilanz in the Bündner Oberland ; † January 5, 1672 in Flims ) was a Swiss Reformed pastor and translator into the Rhaeto-Romanic language of the Sursylvanian idiom .


Men-Fort (Romansh: Fortunat) Gabriel was born in August 1608 as the fourth child of the pastor Stefan Gabriel in Ilanz in Graubünden and was baptized on August 26th. Two brothers died early, only he and his brother Lucius Gabriel survived the difficult and hard times of the turmoil in Graubünden . When Gabriel was twelve years old, his family fled to Zurich . There he attended a high school and studied theology . Later he continued this study at the University of Basel continued to on June 9, 1631 the Master of -degree liberal arts to obtain. In the same year he moved to the Reformed Academy in Geneva . In May 1632 he was accepted into the Evangelical-Rhaetian Synod of Graubünden and given the parish of the parish in Waltensburg . In 1634 Gabriel moved to the communities of Castrisch and Luven . In 1639 he was appointed pastor in Flims as the successor to his brother Lucius. From 1663 to 1672 he was also the dean . He probably held the pastoral position in Flims until his death on January 5, 1672.


  • Theses philosophicae miscellanae. Quas pro summis in philosophia honoribus consequendis (Basel 1631; translation)
  • Messas giu 'lg amprim en tudeschk tras J' A 'mo ussa par bien da las baselgias d'ilg evangeli da la Ligi grischa mess giu en rumonsch a carschentau cun las uratiuns da fests (Basel 1663)


Individual evidence

  1. Entry Fortunat Gabriel in Lexicon Istoric Retic (LIR)