Mendel man

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Mendel Mann ( Hebrew מנדל מןor Yiddish מענדל מאן; also Mendl Man or Mendel Man ; born on December 9, 1916 in Płońsk , Poland ; died September 1, 1975 in Paris ) was a Jewish writer, journalist, draftsman and painter. As a collector, editor and author of songs and poems, he was committed to Yiddish-speaking culture throughout his life and published mainly in Yiddish . His works have been translated into nine languages.


Mendel Mann was born in 1916 in the Mazovian town of Płońsk. Already in his youth he was interested in art and began to draw. His literary career began in Warsaw in 1935 as an author and translator of children's literature; He published his first poems in Yiddish-language magazines. After the outbreak of the Second World War, he managed to escape the German occupiers to the Soviet Union. As a Red Army soldier, he took part in the defense of Moscow and the capture of Berlin and was an eyewitness to the Warsaw Uprising . Mendel Mann processed his war experiences in a trilogy of novels : Bay di Toyern fun Moskve (“Before Moscow's Toren”, 1956), Bay der Vaysl (“On the Vistula”, 1958) and Dos Faln fun Berlin (“The Fall of Berlin”, 1960 ). At the end of the war he returned to Poland, where he headed the school department of the Central Committee of Jews . In the summer of 1946, after the Kielce pogrom , he left Poland via Germany for Israel. In 1954 he became the editorial secretary of the magazine Di goldene kejt ("The golden chain") published by Abraham Sutzkever . In 1961 he went to Paris, where many of his works were translated into French , also thanks to support from Manès Sperber . He wrote for numerous Yiddish-language magazines and became editor-in-chief of the daily Unzer Wort . Mendel Mann died after a brief, serious illness at the age of 59.

Works (selection)

As translator

As editor and contributor

  • Sefer Plonsk veha-sevivah: Neishtat ve-Sokhotsin. yad ve-zekher li-kehilot she-neḥrevu , Tel-Aviv 1963 ( memorandum of the city of Płońsk, with Shlomo Zemach and Mordechai Halamish)
  • Kikoïne . Témoignages de diverses personnes , Piazza, Paris 1975, with Edouard Roditi, Jean Cassou et. al.

As an author

  • Noent fun ṿayṭns. far undzere ḳinder , Ḳinder fraynd, Warsaw, 1935 ("Up close. For our children")
  • Di shtilkayt mont. lider un baladen , Borochow, Łódź 1954 ("The Silence Warns. Songs and Ballads", the first book in Yiddish to be published in post-war Poland)
  • Oyfgeṿakhṭe erd , Di goldene keit, Tel-Aviv 1953 ("Awakened Land")
  • Yerushah , Yiddish Setters, Regensburg 1947 ("Yerushah, songs")
  • In a farṿorlozṭn dorf , Kijum, Buenos-Aires 1954 ("In an abandoned village", novel)
  • Dos hoyz tsṿishn derner , Menora, Tel-Aviv 1960 ("House between thorns")
  • Al neharot Poyln , Kijum, Buenos Aires 1962 ("On the rivers of Poland", novel)
  • Ḳerner in midber , Undzer ḳiyem, Paris 1966 ("Seeds in the desert", short stories)
  • Di milḥāmā trilogy , Neuman, Paris 1956-1960 (world war trilogy )
  • Der shwartzer demb , Unzer Qiyyûm, Paris 1969 ("The Black Oak", short stories)
  • The auṭoporṭreṭ , Peretz, Tel-Aviv 1969 ("Self-Portrait")
  • Menṭshn fun Ṭengushey , Peretz, Tel-Aviv 1970 ("The people from Tenguschai", novel, with illustrations by Alexander Bogen )
  • Di jidish-poilishe milchome , Peretz, Tel-Aviv 1978 ("The Jewish-Polish Family", autobiographical stories)

Translations into German

  • In front of Moscow's gates , Verlag Heinrich Scheffler, Frankfurt am Main 1961, translated by Harry Maòr
  • Der Aufstand , Verlag Heinrich Scheffler, Frankfurt am Main 1963, translated by Harry Maòr and Leo Wikler
  • The house in the thorns. Stories , Diogenes, Zurich 1965, foreword by Manès Sperber , translated by Harry Maòr a. Eva Rottenberg, with reproductions after etchings by Marc Chagall
  • Among emigrants. Yiddish literature from Berlin. Poetry and prose by Scholem Alejchem , Fischl Schneerson, Alexander Granach , David Bergelson , Moische Kulbak , Itzik Manger , Peretz Markisch , Mendel Mann and Lev Berinski , edited by Andrej Jendrusch, Edition Dodo, Berlin 2003

Text settings in Yiddish

The World War I trilogy and a volume of short stories by Mendel Mann were read by native Yiddish speakers in the Jewish Public Library in Montreal in the 1980s and 1990s and recorded for the Sami Rohr Library of Recorded Yiddish Books .

  • Bay di toyern fun Moskve , read by Eliezer Butman
  • Bay der Vaysl , read by Eliezer Butman and Vove Vaynshteyn
  • Dos faln fun Berlin , read by Eliezer Butman
  • Dertseylungen , read by Eliezer Butman


  • Ḥayyim Solomon Kazdan: Der kinstler und dertzeiler Mendl Man: esei , Undzer Ḳiyum, Paris 1964
  • Leksikon fun der nayer yidisher literature (Biographical Dictionary of Modern Yiddish Literature), New York 1956-1981
  • Gershon Sapoznikow: The goyrl fun Yidn tsṿishn di umes̀ ha-oylem. an analiṭisher araynbliḳ in the milḥome-ṭrilogye fun Mendl Man , Peretz, Tel-Aviv, 1976
  • Manès Sperber : Mendel Mann , in: Churban or The Incredible Certainty. Essays , Europaverlag, Vienna 1979, ISBN 3-203-50719-6
  • Sabine Koller : The Yiddish author Mendl Man in Regensburg 1946-48 , in: Himmelstein, Klaus: Jüdische Lebenswelten in Regensburg. A broken story , Regensburg 2018, ISBN 978-3791728063


  • "Life in the waiting room". Post-war Jewish Regensburg: Mendel Man and Der Najer Moment , November 24, 2013 to January 19, 2014, Städtische Galerie im Leeren Beutel , Regensburg

Web links

Commons : Mendel Mann  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. Mendel Mann Dead at 59 , Jewish Telegraphic Agency - The Global Jewish News Source of September 2, 1975, accessed on March 26, 2020
  2. ^ "Man, Mendl", Leksikon fun der nayer yidisher literature (Biographical Dictionary of Modern Yiddish Literature), New York 1956-1981, Vol. 5 LM, pp. 432f
  3. Mendl Man (Mendel Mann), Yiddish Leksikon, 2017
  4. ^ Archives Larousse: Grande Encyclopédie Larousse 1975 - Mammouth - mana
  5. digitized ISBN 0-657-12449-4 , foreword by G. Blumental, p. 4
  6. ^ Sami Rohr Library of Recorded Yiddish Books in the Yiddish Book Center
  7. ^ The Yiddish DP newspaper "Der najer moment": Polish Jews in Regensburg - Elite degree course in Eastern European Studies - LMU Munich