Michael Behm (theologian)

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Michael Behm

Michael Behm (born September 29, 1612 in Königsberg ; † August 31, 1650 there ) was a Protestant theologian.


Michael Behm was born as the son of the Königsberg professor of theology Johann Behm and his wife Ursula (née Rakau). After studying in his hometown, he was able to study in Wittenberg at the expense of Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg . Returning to Königsberg in 1640 he became professor of theology and, with Cölestin Myslenta, represented the strict Lutheran orientation at the University of Königsberg . He got to know Georg Calixt and his circle of ideas and also represented the tolerance policy of Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg .

In 1645 the elector sent him with Christian Dreier to the Colloquium charitativum in Thorn , organized by King of Poland Władysław IV. Wasa . During his time he also joined the Königsberg poets' circle around Robert Roberthin and Simon Dach and was active as a writer of theological controversy. After his death, the cathedral priest Mislenta initially refused him a church burial. The two-year-long dispute was only ended with the intervention of the elector.

His son of the same name Michael Behm (1650–1702) was also a theologian. He also had a daughter, Sophie, who married the medical professor Sylvester Grabe on April 28, 1665 in Königsberg. The theologian Johannes Ernst Grabe and the librarian Sylvester Grabe came from the marriage .


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  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : History of the Königsberg University , 1746–69, Volume 2, page 201 f.
  • Jöcher's Gelehrtenlexikon Volume 1, Column 915
  • G. Ch. Pisanski : Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books , edited by R. Philippi , 1866 (uf V Johs. BJ)


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