Michael Hayduck

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Michael Hayduck (born January 31, 1838 in Stralsund ; † March 1909 in Thorn , West Prussia ) was a German classical philologist .


After graduating from high school in Stettin in 1855 , Hayduck studied classical philology in Greifswald and Berlin . In 1860 he passed the state examination in Greifswald for the subjects Latin, Greek and German for the upper classes, history and geography for the middle classes, religion and French for the lower classes. After a year of probation at the Marienstiftsgymnasium in Stettin, Hayduck was promoted to full teacher at the grammar school in Greifswald in 1861 and promoted to senior teacher there in 1873. In 1876 he moved to the grammar school in Meldorf and was awarded an honorary doctorate from Greifswald University. In 1878 he was appointed director of the grammar school in Marienburg (West Prussia). In 1890 he was awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order , later also the Third Class with a ribbon. In 1894 he moved to the grammar school in Thorn in the same position. There he was a member of the Copernicus Society. When he retired in 1902, he was awarded the title of Privy Councilor and he moved to Berlin.

In contributions to school programs, Hayduck dealt with the text and authenticity of the writings of Aristotle and Plato . Because of these qualifications, he was commissioned to edit a total of fourteen volumes as part of the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca .

Hayduck is the father of the chemist Friedrich Hayduck (1880–1961) and brother of the chemist Max Hayduck (1842–1899).

Fonts (selection)

Contributions to school programs

  • Emendationes Aristoteleae. Meldorf 1877 program
  • Observationes criticae in aliquot locos Aristotelis. Greifswald 1873 program
  • Remarks on the physics of Aristotle. Greifswald 1871 program
  • About the authenticity of the sophist and politician. Greifswald 1864 program

Commentaria in Aristotle Graeca

  • 1: Alexandri Aphrodisiensis In Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria . 1891.
  • 3, 2: Alexandri In Aristotelis Meteorologicorum libros commentaria. 1899.
  • 6, 2: Asclepii In Aristotelis Metaphysicorum libros A - Z commentaria. 1888.
  • 11: Simplicii In libros Aristotelis De anima commentaria. 1882.
  • 14, 1: Ioannis Philoponi In Aristotelis Meteorologicorum librum primum commentarium. 1901.
  • 14, 3: Ioannis Philoponi (Michaelis Ephesii) In libros De generatione animalium commentaria . 1903.
  • 15: Ioannis Philoponi In Aristotelis De anima libros commentaria. 1897.
  • 18, 3: Stephani In librum Aristotelis De interpretatione commentarium. 1885.
  • 21.1: Eustratii In Analyticorum Posteriorum librum secundum commentarium. 1907.
  • 22, 2: Michaelis Ephesii In libros De partibus animalium, De animalium motione, De animalium incessu commentaria . 1904.
  • 22, 3: Michaelis Ephesii In librum quintum Ethicorum Nicomacheorum commentarium . 1901.
  • 23, 1: Sophoniae In libros Aristotelis De anima paraphrasis. 1883.
  • 23, 2: Anonymi In Aristotelis Categorias paraphrasis . 1883.
  • 23, 4: Anonymi In Aristotelis Sophisticos elenchos paraphrasis. 1884.


  • Hermann Usener : (Review of CAG and Supplementum Aristotelicum), in: Göttingische Gelehre Anzeige 26, 1892, 1001-1022, ND in ders., Kleine Schriften , Volume 3: Works on Greek literary history, history of science, epigraphy. Chronology . Leipzig 1914, 193-214 online
  • Dietrich Ehlers (ed.): Hermann Diels, Hermann Usener, Eduard Zeller, correspondence . second volume. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1992, 429ff .: Documentation on the enterprise of the Greek Aristotlees commentaries , there p. 508 online
  • Wolfgang Rösler : Hermann Diels and the fragments of the pre-Socratics , in: Annette M. Baertschi, Colin Guthrie King (ed.), The modern fathers of antiquity: The development of ancient studies at the academy and university in 19th century Berlin , Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 2009, 369-395, p. 382, online
  • Wolfgang Rösler: Eduard Zeller and Hermann Diels , in: Gerald Hartung (eds.): Eduard Zeller: History of Philosophy and Science in the 19th Century , Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2010, 261–274, there p. 271 online

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Copernicus Association for Science and Art in Thorn in the first half century of its existence. Festschrift to celebrate his 50th anniversary on February 19, 1904. Edited on behalf of the association by K. Boethke, Professor. Commission publisher by Ernst Lambeck, Thorn 1904, p. 168, see also p. 106, 161, online .
  2. Bruno Drews:  Hayduck, Friedrich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 8, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1969, ISBN 3-428-00189-3 , p. 150 ( digitized version ).