Michael Krons

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Michael Krons (left), 2013

Michael Krons (born January 30, 1957 in Cologne ) is a German television journalist and presenter . Since 2001 he has been working as an editor and moderator at Phoenix , the information channel of  ARD  and ZDF .

Life and education

After finishing primary school, Krons attended the Apostle High School in Cologne-Lindenthal. During his school days he worked for the school newspaper and founded a film company. For many years he practiced competitive judo and karate .

After graduating from high school , Krons began studying political science , German , pedagogy and film studies in Cologne . After a few semesters, he continued his studies at the Free University of Berlin and obtained his Magister Artium (MA) in 1985 . During his studies, Krons u. a. Freelance work for the Kölner Stadtanzeiger and General-Anzeiger Bonn . He also worked as an assistant director at Westdeutscher Rundfunk .


After completing his master's degree, Krons became editor of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 1987 , where he soon devoted himself to the subject of economics. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Krons reported intensively on the economic and political development in the new federal states .

In 1990 Krons switched to a television production by Gruner and Jahr in Cologne, where he set up the new talk show Tacheles under the direction of Johannes Groß and Theo Sommer . It was a mixture of short reports and controversial one-on-one talks between the two moderators Groß and Sommer and the guests.

In 1992 Krons became head of the parliamentary editorial office of the first German news broadcaster n-tv in Bonn. There he also began his moderation work in the daily program Villa Bonn .

From private television in 1994 Krons went to the parliamentary editorial office of ARD in Bonn and reported as a reporter for the programs Tagesschau  and  Tagesthemen  as well as the  report from Bonn .

Four years later, with the government moving to the capital, Berlin, Krons became the chief editor of ZDF at the magazine  frontal . There he devoted himself to investigative reports and reports for three years.

Krons has been working for the information broadcaster Phoenix since 2001. At first he was deputy editor-in-chief and moderator of the evening information broadcast of the day . In addition, he took over the moderation of themed programs.

In 2007, this also included reporting on the six-month long flight of the German astronaut Thomas Reiter , whom Michael Krons accompanied journalistically with over 100 special programs and reports. The extensive coverage was also incorporated into broadcasts by ARD and ZDF. In 2010, Krons was appointed senior editor to the program management team.

At the same time, in addition to moderating the daily information program der tag , he also took on his own program with the talk format in dialogue . Michael Krons also hosted many special programs and live topics on site (US elections, presidential elections in France, special programs on the Arab Spring , etc.). He places particular emphasis on the political and economic developments in Europe and the Middle East, which he observed and commented on with reports on site.

Krons works as a lecturer at the ARD and ZDF media academy in the training and further education of moderators and has a teaching position at the University of Bonn .

Michael Krons lives and works in Bonn and Berlin.


In 1995, Krons received the OttoCar in gold , the prize of the German Association of the Automotive Industry, for his half-hour report on new car drives in the USA .

In 2002 Krons, who since the beginning of his journalistic activity has repeatedly devoted himself to economic and technical developments in the aerospace industry, received the special award from the aerospace press for his regular coverage of aviation topics.

This was followed in 2007 by the renowned Hugo Junkers Prize for the Phoenix report series ALL-TAG The Thomas Reiter Mission .

In 2012 Michael Krons was nominated for the German TV Award with the team of moderators for the program Der Tag .


Web links

Commons : Michael Krons  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. https://basis.uni-bonn.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfoPerson&publishSubDir=personal&keep=y&purge=y&personal.pid=11262