Michael Mieth

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Michael Mieth (* in the Electorate of Saxony ; † July 31, 1686 near Ofen ; also: Michael Miethen or Michael Miethe ) was a German - Austrian captain , fireworks and military technician . He was best known for his weapons manuals.


As a native of Saxony, Mieth worked as an Austrian artillery captain. As early as 1678, he was testing grenades in Prague, which cracked on impact. This was achieved by the fact that the hollow projectiles had a metal reinforcement at the filling hole, which on impact drove a charged iron shell into the explosive charge, which was located in the fire tube. With the rank of imperial captain, he organized the mortar bombardment of the fortress of Ofen during the second siege of Ofen in 1686 . He was wounded on July 13, 1686 as a colonel of the artillery in front of the furnace and died on the 31st of the month. Mieth dealt in detail with the weaponry of artillery as cannons , petards , rain bullets and grenades and published several manuals to.



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Individual evidence

  1. Campaigns of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Graphic inserts . Verlag des KK Generalstabes, Vienna 1876, p. 242 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. ^ Wilhelm Erben: Catalog of the K. and K. Heeres Museum . Adolf Holzhausen, Vienna 1899, p. 52 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  3. A thorough and detailed report of everything that happened during the siege of the town of Ofen from the beginning of 1686 to the fortunate conquest of September 2nd . Koppmayer, Augsburg 1686 ( reader.digitale-sammlungen.de ).