Mikhail Nikolayevich Charusin

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Mikhail Nikolayevich Charusin ( Russian Михаил Николаевич Харузин * June 4 . Jul / 16th June  1860 greg. In Moscow , † September 25 jul. / 7. October  1888 greg. In Reval ) was a Russian lawyer and ethnographer .


Charusin came from a wealthy merchant family . After attending the high school of the Estonia Governorate in Reval, where he became acquainted with the German language and German literature , he began studying at the Law Faculty of Moscow University (MGU) in 1881 , which he graduated with honors in 1885. Charusin was interested in common law right from the start of his studies . In 1882 he undertook an expedition to the Vyatka Governorate to investigate the everyday legal life of the local population. While still a student, he became secretary of the Imperial Society of Friends of Natural History , Anthropology, and Ethnography, and set up a program to study the links between common law and popular law .

After completing his studies, Charusin was sent to the universities of Berlin and Heidelberg to prepare for his appointment to the chair for general law . In 1883 he undertook a trip to the Oblast of the Don Cossacks . This resulted in his main work on the Cossack communities on the Don , which was recognized by the law faculty of the MGU as a candidate dissertation .

In 1887 he returned to Reval and became an official with the Estonian governor for special tasks . Charusin studied the history and ethnography of the governorate and collected archival materials that were printed in the Estonian governorate gazette, which he edited . In particular, he examined the problem of the rights and privileges of the local nobility and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Baltic States . Charusin was in close contact with his younger siblings Alexei Nikolajewitsch Charusin , Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Charusin and Wera Nikolaevna Charusina , who were also ethnographers.

Charusin died of typhus and was buried in the Moscow family crypt on the site of the Novodevichy Convent .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Харузин Михаил Николаеви (accessed October 13, 2018).
  2. Керимова М. М .: Этнографические изыскания М. Н. Харузина (к 150-летию со дня рождения) . In: Славяноведение . No. 6 , 2010.
  3. a b c Андреев А. Ю., Цыганков Д. А .: Императорский Московский университет: 1755-1917: энциклопедический словарь . Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН), Moscow 2010, ISBN 978-5-8243-1429-8 , p. 789-790 .
  4. Харузин М. Н .: Очерки юридического быта народностей Сарапульского уезда Вятской губернии . In: Юридический вестник . Moscow 1883.
  5. Харузин М. Н .: Программа для собирания народных юридических обычаев . 1887.
  6. Харузин М. Н .: Сведения о казацких общинах на Дону . Moscow 1887.
  7. Харузин М. Н .: Балтийская конституция, историко-юридический очерк .
  8. Харузин М. Н .: Православие на островах Dagö и Vormsi .
  9. Püchtitz - святое место; бытовой очерк из Балтийской действительности. In: Харузин М. Н. Retrieved October 13, 2018 .