Nikolai Nikolayevich Charusin

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Nikolai Nikolayevich Charusin

Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Charusin ( Russian: Николай Николаевич Харузин ; * 7 April July / 19 April  1865 greg. In Moscow ; † 25 March July / 7 April  1900 greg. Ibid) was a Russian ethnographer and university teacher .


Charusin came from a wealthy merchant family . After attending the 4th Moscow High School (graduating in 1885), he began studying at the Law Faculty of Moscow University . In 1890 he broke off this course and, after extensive preparation at the University of Dorpat, took the examination to become a candidate in history .

Nikolai Nikolaevich Charusin's grave monument in Novodevichy Convent

As early as 1886, Charusin, like his brothers Michail and Alexei, was ethnographically active. With his sister Wera , on behalf of the Imperial Society of Friends of Natural History , Anthropology and Ethnography, he carried out studies in the Crimea (1886, 1888, 1889), the Caucasus (1886, 1891), the Baltic States , Siberia and the Arkhangelsk governorates , Olonez (1887), Chernigov (1889), Vyatka (1890), Perm (1890) and Estonia (1892). His archival work resulted in a systematization of the ethnographic materials of the 18th and 19th centuries. He studied the cultures of the Sami , Khanty , Mansi and Finns . In 1892 he traveled to Germany and France to study history . He heard lectures from the evolutionist Charles Letourneau , Gabriel de Mortillet, and others. There he also got to know the ethnographic collections of the local museums.

1889-1893 Charusin was secretary of the Imperial Society for Friends of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography and was editor and editor of the anthology with the studies of the everyday life of the rural population in Russia . In 1889 he was also significantly involved in the development of the journal Etnografitscheskoje Obosrenije Rossiji .

Charusin was the first university professor of ethnography in Russia by giving his ethnography lectures at Moscow University and at the Lazarev Institute for Oriental Languages from 1898 .

Charusin's grave monument is on the grounds of the Novodevichy Convent .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Great Soviet Encyclopedia : Харузины.
  2. a b c Этнографический биобиблиографический словарь: Харузин Николай Николаевич (accessed October 12, 2018).
  3. Miller WF : Николай Николаевич Харузин (некролог) . In: Этнографическое обозрение . tape XLV , no. 2 , 1900.
  4. a b c Русская история в портрете: Харузин Николай Николаевич (accessed October 12, 2018).
  5. Tokarev SA : История русской этнографии . Nauka , Moscow 1966.
  6. Харузин Н. Н .: Этнография, лекции, читанные в Московском университете. I. Часть общая и материальная культура . St. Petersburg 1901.
  7. Харузин Н. Н .: Этнография, лекции, читанные в Московском университете. II. Семья и род . St. Petersburg 1903.
  8. Харузин Н. Н .: Этнография, лекции, читанные в Московском университете. III. Собственность и первобытное государство . St. Petersburg 1903.
  9. Харузин Н. Н .: Этнография, лекции, читанные в Московском университете. IV. Верования . St. Petersburg 1905.