Vera Nikolaevna Charusina

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Vera Nikolayevna Charusina ( Russian Вера Николаевна Харузина ; born September 17 . Jul / 29. September  1866 greg. In Moscow ; † 17th May 1931 ibid) was a Russian ethnographer , writer and university lecturer .


Charusina came from a wealthy merchant family . Her father Nikolai Ivanovich Charusin was a merchant of the 1st guild and died in 1880 at the age of 49. Her mother, Maria Mikhailovna, née Miljutina, was the daughter of a merchant. Charusina attended the private humanistic gymnasium for girls run by Sofja Nikolaevna Fischer in Moscow . Like her brothers Alexei , Michail and Nikolai, Charusina was enthusiastic about ethnography at an early age and attended the anthropology exhibition in Moscow in 1877. Instead of studying science, she studied ethnography with the support of her brothers and accompanied them on their travels. She attended lectures on history , ethnography and archeology in Germany (1882), France (1892) and Austria (1901). In addition to scientific problems, she was also interested in folklore and mythology . She wrote popular scientific ethnographic treatises as well as short stories and fairy tales .

In 1907 Charusina became the first female professor of ethnography and lectured at the Moscow Higher Courses for Women Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier . Based on her lectures, she wrote one of the first textbooks on ethnography. From 1911 she taught at the Moscow Archaeological Institute and from 1927 at the Moscow University .

Charusina described the changes observed in Russian society in her memoir , which she began in 1904 and completed in 1925.

Charusina was in close contact with her siblings Alexei Nikolajewitsch Charusin , Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Charusin and Michail Nikolajewitsch Charusin , who were also ethnographers.

Charusina was buried in Moscow in the Donskoy monastery cemetery.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Марина М. Керимова: Этнограф Вера Николаевна Харузина . In: Гласник Етнографског института САНУ . tape LVI , no. 1 , p. 19–36 ( [1] accessed on October 11, 2018 [PDF]).
  2. a b Русская история в портрете: [Харузина Вера Николаевна] (accessed October 12, 2018).
  3. a b c Planeta Ljudei: ВЕРА НИКОЛАЕВНА ХАРУЗИНА (accessed October 12, 2018).
  4. Харузина, В. Н .: На севере. (Путевые воспоминания) . 1890.
  5. Харузина, В. Н .: Оцзи и Олесь. Рассказ из жизни лопарей . 1903.
  6. Харузина, В. Н .: Материалы для библиографии этнографической литературы . 1904.
  7. Харузина, В. Н .: Друзья. Картинки из жизни словенских детей . 1909.
  8. Харузина, В. Н .: Обряд " крестить кукушку " в Орловской губернии . 1912.
  9. Харузина, В. Н .: Сказки русских инородцев . 1898 ( [2] accessed October 12, 2018).
  10. Харузина, В. Н .: Царевна - каменное сердечко . 1899.
  11. Харузина, В. Н .: Африканские сказки . 1919.
  12. Харузина, В. Н .: Тунгусенок Михайло . 1928.
  13. Харузина, В. Н .: Этнография . Moscow 1909.
  14. Трофимова Е .: Наше прошлое: Рецензия на книгу Харузиной В. Н. « Прошлое » . In: Преображение. Русский феминистский альманах . No. 6 , 1998, pp. 181-184 ( [3] accessed October 12, 2018).