Michel Jacot

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Michel Jacot (born September 7, 1940 in Berlin ; actually Michael Jakubeck ) is a German actor and painter .

life and career

Michel Jacot, who grew up in Salzwedel , went to West Berlin before the Wall was built and began training in acting and singing in Munich in 1962 . During this time he also took part in the first film productions such as Snow White and the Seven Jugglers or Captain Sindbad (1962) . In addition to colleagues like Sascha Hehn and Heiner Lauterbach , he found other roles in the 1970s. The blonde and long-haired beau Michel Jacot was quickly considered the “leading man” of the German sex film wave.

In the 1970s, he played in films such as Women Who Pay for Sex or What Schoolgirls Are Hiding . With the role of Heiner Lenz in Franz Marischkas Laß itucken, Kumpel , Michel Jacot became the hero of a film series that tells of the sex and love life of a worker. The film received the Golden Screen award in 1972 . Jacot played the role one more time in Das Bullenkloster , in which the couple from the first part reconciled after a temporary separation. From the third part of the series, the person of the role as an accident was no longer used. In the fifth part of the Kumpel series, Daily Brass Music in the Secret Annex - The Kumpel Doesn't Itch from 1975, archive scenes from The Bullenkloster with Jacot were used in a flashback. In 1981 Jacot also played a supporting role as miner Erwin Borowski in the spin-off Let Run, Buddy .

Michel Jacot took on other serious roles after the role of Ted in Alfred Vohrer's Simmel film All People Become Brothers (1973), among others alongside Hermann Prey in Jean-Pierre Ponnelles with the Prix ​​Italia- winning film adaptation of Carmina Burana (1975) and in Derrick (as Kerrak in the episode Shock , 1976). Michel Jacot plays roles in numerous TV series such as Der Kommissar , Der Alte and Aktenzeichen XY… unsolved .

During his film career, in which, among other things, the emancipatory Erica Jong film Joy of Flying (1977) and the Boney-M. -Film Disko-Fieber (1978) followed, he also worked as a journalist and photographer since 1974. In the 80s, Michel Jacot also devoted himself to rallying and founded a forwarding company as an entrepreneur on the Canary island of Lanzarote .

After suffering from severe liver cirrhosis, he devoted himself to painting and has been a painter since 2000. His picture, Der Knall im All , was chosen as the winning picture at the 2006 rehab fair in Berlin.

Filmography (selection)



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Hentschel: Don't itch! The buddies of the 1970s. Self-published, Düsseldorf 2014, ISBN 978-1-5007-9847-5 , page 198
  2. Martin Hentschel: Don't itch! The buddies of the 1970s. Self-published, Düsseldorf 2014, ISBN 978-1-5007-9847-5 , page 195
  3. Martin Hentschel: Don't itch! The buddies of the 1970s. Self-published, Düsseldorf 2014, ISBN 978-1-5007-9847-5 , page 196