Michel Massot

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Michel Massot 2010

Michel Massot (born October 25, 1960 in Halle (Belgium) ) is a Belgian jazz and improvisation musician ( tuba , euphonium and trombone ).

Live and act

Massot studied tuba and trombone at the Conservatoire royal de Liège . He was soon introduced to the improvisation and new music scene through Garrett List , Henri Pousseur and Jean-Pierre Peuvion . With Fabrizio Cassol and the drummer Michel Debrulle, he founded the Trio Bravo in 1984 , with whom he recorded several albums and toured Europe and North America. After the departure of Cassol, whose place was taken by Laurent Dehors , a Trio Grande developed from it in 1993 .

He also belonged to the improvisation ensemble La Grande Formation , Andy Emler's Mega Octett , Laurent Blondiaus Mâäk’s Spirit , the orchestra of Klaus König ( At the End of the Universe - Hommage a Douglas Adams , Reviews , Songs and Solos ) and the French big band Tous Dehors . He is currently a member of the septet Rêve d'Eléphant Orchestra .

Massot also played solo appearances and duo concerts with trombonist Geoffroy de Masure . He also worked with Claude Barthélemy , Hélène Labarrière , Evan Parker , Christof Lauer , Wolfgang Puschnig , Sophia Domancich , Han Bennink and Michel Hatzigeorgiou . He can also be heard on albums by Kris Defoort , Christophe Marguet , Marc Ducret and David Chevallier.

Massot works as a teacher at the Conservatoire de Liège .

Discographic notes

  • Bathyscaphe V (with Ariane De Bièvre, Liam Fennely, Michel Debrulle, Véronique Ravier; Igloo 1994)
  • Trio Grande Un matin plein de promesses (with Laurent Dehors, Matthew Bourne , Michel Debrulle; De Werf 2007)
  • Michel Massot-Tuur Florizoone-Marine Horbaczewski Balades Éphémère (Aventura Musica 2013)
  • Aurélie Dorzée, Tom Theuns, Michel Massot: Elixir (Homerecords.be, 2019)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Lord : The Jazz Discography (online, September 15, 2013)