Michele Scandiffio

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Michele Scandiffio (born September 29, 1928 in Pomarico ) is Old Archbishop of Acerenza .


Michele Scandiffio was ordained a priest on July 8, 1951 . He then continued his theology and philosophy studies.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Acerenza on April 30, 1988 . The Archbishop of Naples Michele Cardinal Giordano donated him episcopal ordination on July 9 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Giuseppe Vairo , Archbishop of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo , and Ennio Appignanesi , Archbishop of Matera-Irsina .

On July 27, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI. his age-related retirement.

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predecessor Office successor
Francesco Cuccarese Archbishop of Acerenza
Giovanni Ricchiuti