Francesco Cuccarese

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Archbishop Francesco Cuccarese

Francesco Cuccarese (born March 8, 1930 in Tursi , Province of Matera , Italy ) is retired Archbishop of Pescara-Penne .


Francesco Cuccarese was ordained a priest on July 19, 1953 and initially worked in his home diocese of Anglona-Tursi , where he became vicar general .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Acerenza on February 12, 1979 . The episcopal ordination received his Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio on 1 April of the same year in the Cathedral of Tursi; Co- consecrators were Dino Tomassini , Bishop of Assisi and Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino , and Vincenzo Franco , Bishop of Tursi-Lagonegro . After the earthquake in Irpinia in November 1980, Cuccarese supported the work of Caritas on site.

On June 6, 1987, John Paul II called him Bishop of Caserta and awarded him the title of Archbishop ad personam . On April 21, 1990 he was appointed Archbishop of Pescara-Penne. Francesco Cuccarese is also a Knight of the Order of Constantine .

On November 4, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation request submitted for reasons of age. On December 17 of the same year he became a canon at St. Peter .

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predecessor Office successor
Antonio Iannucci Archbishop of Pescara-Penne
Tommaso Valentinetti
Vito Roberti Bishop of Caserta
Raffaele Nogaro
Giuseppe Vairo Archbishop of Acerenza
Michele Scandiffio