Miguel Ángel Sebastián Martínez

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Miguel Ángel Sebastián Martínez MCCJ (born September 28, 1950 in Saragossa ) is a Spanish religious and Roman Catholic bishop of Sarh in Chad .


Miguel Ángel Sebastián Martínez joined the order of the Comboni Missionaries and was ordained a priest on June 7, 1975 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on November 28, 1998 as the first bishop of the newly established Lai diocese in Chad. The episcopal ordination donated him the bishop of Moundou , Matthias N'Gartéri Mayadi , on February 14 of the next year; Co- consecrators were Edmond Jitangar , Bishop of Sarh , and Michele Russo MCCI, Bishop of Doba .

From January 30, 2014 to February 18, 2017, he was Apostolic Administrator of Doba during the Sedis vacancy .

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Sarh on October 10, 2018. The inauguration took place on November 10th of the same year.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nomina del Vescovo di Sarh (Ciad). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , October 10, 2018, accessed October 10, 2018 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Lai
Nicolas Nadji Bab
Edmond Jitangar Bishop of Sarh
since 2018