Milivoj Ašner

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Milivoj Ašner

Milivoj Ašner (later: Georg Aschner; born April 21, 1913 in Daruvar ; † June 14, 2011 in Klagenfurt ) was police chief in Požega in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II . After the re-establishment of a state of Croatia , he was charged there in 2005 with crimes against humanity and war crimes. It was during the time of the Ustasha likely to -Regimes deportations and expulsions of Serbs and Jews and Roma involved. However, the trial did not take place.


After the war ended in 1945, Ašner fled to Austria , where he received citizenship in 1946 . After Croatia regained its state independence, he returned to his native Daruvar in 1991. After charges were brought against him, he fled Croatia to Klagenfurt in 2005, where he died in a Caritas nursing home in 2011 .

Indictment and escape

In 2005, Ašner was charged with war crimes in Croatia and fled to Austria. Croatia subsequently demanded his extradition from the Austrian government. Austria refused to do so on the grounds that Ašner was an Austrian citizen. It was later discovered that Ašner no longer had Austrian citizenship. In 1990 he applied for the Croatian one and did not try to keep the Austrian one.

In 2008, Ašner received open political support from right-wing Austrian politicians such as the then Carinthian governor and right-wing populist Jörg Haider . "He should be able to spend his old age with us," emphasized Haider. Ašner has been “a citizen of Klagenfurt who has lived peacefully with us for years”. “It's a nice family,” said Haider to the Wiener Standard .

As a prerequisite for extradition to Croatia, the ability of the over ninety year old to be questioned had to be checked. Several psychiatric reports (Prof. Reinhard Haller , Frastanz, and Prof. Peter Hofmann , Graz) came to the conclusion that there was no ability to be questioned.

Doubts about the inability to stand trial

British newspapers and the chairman of the Israelite Religious Community of Austria , Ariel Muzicant , described these reports as unbelievable after Ašner was photographed, looking very vigorous and walking without a stick, on long walks and on the sidelines of a fan party for the 2008 European Football Championship in Klagenfurt and in According to an interview with the ORF Report 2008, there were no recognizable thinking and memory disorders (diagnostic criteria dementia ).

After Ašner rejected rumors about an alleged dementia (which had been certified by experts) in an interview , the public prosecutor's office investigated him. Prof. Haller's opinion on Milivoj Ašner was included in the Human Rights Report Austria 2008 of the US State Department: Section 4: Government position on international investigations into alleged human rights violations.

Death and public reception

Ašner died in Austria at the age of 98 without ever going to trial. After Sándor Képíró, he was temporarily number 2 on the list of the most wanted Nazi war criminals.

After Ašner's death, the Simon Wiesenthal Center referred to the Republic of Austria as a “Paradise for Nazis” due to the lack of legal processing. Institute director Zuroff said in this connection that the Ašner case confirmed "the complete failure of the Austrian judicial authorities to adequately deal with the question of Nazi war crimes over the past three decades".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Asner died in Klagenfurt. In: June 20, 2011, accessed December 12, 2017 .
  2. Asner died in Klagenfurt (accessed on June 20, 2011)
  3. ^ Search advertisement on the Interpol website ( Memento from June 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on June 20, 2011
  4. ^ ORF: Official complaint about Ašner [1]
  5. Archived copy ( Memento from June 19, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ORF: Milivoj Ašner: Public Prosecutor determined [2]
  9. Die Presse: Justice on the Ašner case: "Austria is not Guantanamo" [3]
  10. Public prosecutor's office has health status checked. Kleine Zeitung June 18, 2008 [4]
  11. ^ Die Presse: Muzicant: National Socialism: Austria could extradite Ašner [5]
  12. ^ Online edition of The Sun , , and The Times , /world/europe/article4149834.ece ; also the online editions of Die Zeit and Der Standard 3378784
  13. OE24: Ex-Nazi Ašner should come before the judge [6]
  14. ORF: Asner shows himself confident
  15. US State Department, Human Rights Report Austria 2008, Section 4 [7]
  16. Milivoj Ašner died in Carinthia, KleineZeitung on June 20, 2011 ( Memento from September 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  17. Der Standard: Wiesenthal Center: "Complete Failure" Austria, June 20, 2011
  18. Wiesenthal Center: Die Presse: Österreich Paradies für Nazis, June 20, 2011