Ariel Muzicant

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Ariel Muzicant, 2010

Ariel Muzicant (born February 12, 1952 in Haifa , Israel ) is an Austrian entrepreneur. He is Vice President of the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress . From 1996 to 1998 he was President of the B'nai B'rith Zwi Perez Chajes and one of the initiators of the Zwi Perez Chajes School .


Muzicant has lived in Vienna since he was four and received his school education at the Lycée Français de Vienne . In 1976 he completed his medical studies at the University of Vienna with a doctorate and then joined his father's real estate agency, which he still runs as sole owner today.

On April 21, 1998 he was elected President of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien to succeed Paul Grosz . He was confirmed in office in the 2004 and 2008 elections and held this position until his resignation on February 21, 2012.

He is also a board member of the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance and the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) and was Vice President of the European Jewish Congress from 1998 to 2006. Muzicant is a member of the SPÖ .


Ariel Muzicant is a long-time critic of Jörg Haider and the FPÖ . Especially after the participation of the FPÖ in the federal government Schüssel I in February 2000, Muzicant became the target of right-wing agitators who, referring to Muzicant's activity as a successful real estate agent, use anti-Semitic clichés such as the “scheming Jewish businessman involved in illegal machinations”. Shortly after Haider had questioned the attacks against Jewish citizens pointed out by Muzicant, Muzicant presented a folder with threatening letters in a live television broadcast on ORF , which he had received within weeks, after which the FPÖ tried to deny Muzicant's credibility.

On the so-called Political Ash Wednesday 2001 in the Jahnturnhalle in Ried im Innkreis, Jörg Haider, alluding to the well-known detergent brand Ariel , said in front of the camera: “... Mr Ariel Muzicant: I don't understand at all how someone is called Ariel, so much dirt on the stick may have; I don't understand that at all… ”, whereupon Muzicant complained. In a study that became known, Anton Pelinka and Ruth Wodak came to the conclusion that this sentence had an anti-Semitic content.

After Haider had withdrawn this statement and other allegations in five declarations of honor, the court case could be settled out of court.

In 2009 Muzicant hit the headlines again. After comparing the FPÖ General Secretary Herbert Kickl with Joseph Goebbels , the Third President of the National Council, Martin Graf (FPÖ), indirectly referred to him as the “foster father of anti-fascist left-wing terrorism”. Muzicant then demanded “unequivocal consequences” in the National Council.

Muzicant has been running the “Cellar Nazis in the FPÖ” website since 2009 . The term goes back to an article in the magazine profil .

When the ethical justification of religiously motivated circumcision of underage boys ( circumcision ) was discussed in German-speaking countries in 2012 , he said in the Kleine Zeitung that a ban on circumcision "would be equivalent to an attempt at another Shoah, the annihilation of the Jewish people - only this time with spiritual means. "

Occasionally, for example in the case of the roof extension of the Vienna Ambassador Hotel , Muzicant's activities as a real estate developer were also criticized by non-right-wing parties.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jüdische Rundschau : "I do not believe that perpetrators have the right to demand the line"
  2. ^ Company History ( Memento from September 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Warning against right is 60 on ORF from February 12, 2012, accessed on February 12, 2012.
  4. IKG President Ariel Muzicant resigns In: Der Standard from February 14, 2012, accessed on May 29, 2013.
  5. Die Presse, January 31, 2012: Muzicant successor: 'Jewish life more than commemoration'
  6. Haider's Duzen and Siezen in Politics: Conflicts and Broken Clusters. News , October 11, 2008, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "One of the greatest opponents of the Carinthian governor was the President of the Israelite religious community Ariel Muzicant"
  7. Haider continues to bully. Der Spiegel , March 17, 2001, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "Since the end of February he has attacked the President of the Israelite Religious Community several times."
  8. ^ Jewish community in Vienna worried about attacks. Die Welt , October 26, 1999, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "The number of anti-Semitic incidents since the parliamentary election on October 3 [1999], in which the FPÖ under Jörg Haider reached 27 percent, [has] increased tenfold."
  9. ^ Jewish Leaders Trade Barbs Over Austria's Nazi Legacy. New York Times , March 25, 2001, accessed May 29, 2009 : “I am the biggest broker in town. [...] I am bigger than the second- and third-largest brokers combined. I build, broker, lease and sell commercial real estate and I'm so good at what I do. It sticks in the Freedom Party's eye. But I've done nothing illegal. ” Ariel Muzicant - he makes billions in sales. News, April 4, 2001, accessed May 29, 2009 .
  10. ^ A b Anton Pelinka, Ruth Wodak: Dirt on the stick. Politics of exclusion . Czernin, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-7076-0152-8 .
  11. ^ Haider in NEWS against Ariel Muzicant. News, March 15, 2001, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "We will talk about your business relationships in legal proceedings and your business relationships will have to be examined."
  12. Haider the rightist Is Firing Up Vienna's Election With Slurs. New York Times, March 12, 2001, accessed on May 29, 2009 : “He contended that Mr. Muzicant, who has a real estate business, has enjoyed greater license to build highrises in central Vienna than other entrepreneurs, a suggestion also made by Ms. Partik-Pablé . "
  13. Never involved in anything disreputable. News, March 10, 2001, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "Haider says, [Muzicant is] involved in dirty speculative transactions [... and would] have personally made deals with the municipality of Vienna as a real estate agent where others would not have had a chance."
  14. a b The press release haggled over every word. News, January 31, 2002, accessed on May 29, 2009 : “I withdraw my remarks made in the course of the 'Ash Wednesday speech' of February 28, 2001 [...] with the expression of regret and apology and have no reason for the honor from Dr. To cast doubt on Ariel Muzicant and undertake to refrain from making this statement in the future. Vienna, January 30, 2002. - The four other statements relate to statements by Haider during the Vienna election campaign. The Carinthian governor had claimed that Muzicant had 'presented letters he had written as evidence of anti-Semitic attacks' ... "
  15. Muzicant in a NEWS interview: Haider's statements "snotty, irresponsible and anti-Semitic". APA -OTS Originaltext-Service, November 3, 1999, accessed on May 29, 2009 : "I am presenting an act that is one centimeter thick full of threatening letters and Haider simply questions that."
  16. ^ Haider's speech as a prototype of anti-Semitism. News, January 19, 2003, accessed on May 29, 2009 : “[Haider's speech] alludes to four anti-Jewish stereotypes, namely those of the 'Jewish traitor to the fatherland', the 'Jewish world conspiracy against Austria', the 'dirty, unclean Jew' and the 'scheming Jewish businessman involved in illegal machinations' "
  17. Neue Freie Zeitung, article by Martin Graf (online)
  18. Graf rides attack against Muzicant 27 May 2009 at
  19. The press Verbal Attack: impotent rage at Graf's attack May 27, 2009
  20. Print from "profile" at (PDF file; 888 kB)
  21. Sonja Hasewend, Monika Schachner: Circumcision: "Prohibition is like extermination of the Jews". In: July 25, 2012, archived from the original on July 30, 2012 .;
  22. Circumcisions: Villagers for prohibition, Burgstaller against. In: . July 25, 2012, accessed on May 7, 2013 (German).
  23. See: Markus Landerer: Repertory of problem cases in the world heritage area . In: Markus Landerer, Claus Süss, Robert Schediwy: Viennese landmarks, disappeared, disfigured, threatened . LIT, Vienna 2010, p. 157ff., P. 165.
  24. Minister Claudia Schmied presents Ariel Muzicant with the Great Gold Medal. APA-OTS dated February 14, 2013, accessed May 29, 2013.
  25. ^ Town hall correspondence of May 28, 2013 , accessed on May 29, 2013.