Metzer Mirabelle

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The Metzer Mirabelle , Mirabelle von Metz or Yellow Mirabelle is a cultivar of the Mirabelle that arose as a chance seedling near Metz . In the past it was widely planted in Lorraine and Taunus . It was also very widespread in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate , where it is still often found on orchards . The Association of Horticultural Associations Saarland-Pfalz eV declared it the orchard variety of the year 2005.


The Metzer Mirabelle is rather slow-growing and forms a small tree with a dense, somewhat “messy” crown. It requires dry, warm soil, but according to other sources it should also be able to cope with relatively heavy soils. The trees deliver high yields, and in some cases there are said to be more fruit than leaves.


The small to medium-sized fruits of the Metzer Mirabelle are ripe in the second half of August. Their shape can be rounded or oval. They are divided into two halves by a furrow, which can be of different sizes. The color can be a lighter or darker yellow, sun-drenched fruits are spotted red. The fruits are similar to those of the Mirabelle de Nancy , from which they can only be clearly distinguished by the shape of the stone.

The yellow flesh is sweet and very juicy. The fruits keep their light color when they are preserved , so the variety is very suitable for the production of canned fruit . It can also be used for jams and drying . It is ideally suited for the production of fruit brandy or liqueur because of the high yields, the sugar content and the excellent aroma.

Web links

Fruit variety database BUND Lemgo: Mirabelle von Metz

Individual evidence

  1. a b Without author: Mirabelle von Metz (PDF; 220 kB), in Our best German fruit varieties , Bechtholdverlag, Wiesbaden, around 1930.
  2. a b c d NABU: Golden yellow, juicy and sugar-sweet , December 14, 2004.
  3. a b Saarland / Rhineland-Palatinate horticultural associations: Metzer Mirabelle. Orchard variety of the year 2005.