Muslim market

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is an Islamist website from Germany that has been in operation since 1999 and was monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution .


The responsible operators of Muslim-Markt are the brothers Yavuz and Gürhan Özoğuz , who have converted to Schia . Both are German citizens, have a doctorate in engineering and grew up as children of secular Turkish parents. Her sister is the SPD - Bundestag Aydan Özoğuz that distances itself from their brothers.

Structure and content

The website sees itself as a “starting point for Islam for German-speaking believers”, with an emphasis on Shi'aism . Information about Islam is provided, including links and addresses of the Muslim infrastructure in German-speaking countries.

An internet forum is part of the Muslim market and is moderated by Yavuz Özoguz's wife Fatima and their son Huseyin . The operators of the Muslim market take part in the discussions and take a position that is broadly in line with the official line of the Iranian government . They defended the 2006 conference of Holocaust deniers in Iran initiated by President Mahmoud Ahmadineschād .

Anti-Semitism and boycotts

Statements on the website related to Israel are often assigned to the Islamist variety of anti-Semitism in academia . In the Handbook of Anti-Semitism , the Islamic scholar Michael Kiefer showed that frequent formulations in the Muslim market such as “pseudo state” or “Zionist entity” construct the state of Israel as a “figure of the third party” according to Klaus Holz , that is, as an unclear enemy image, “that the The closeness of the binary structure [of contrasting “we groups”] breaks through ”: This would not recognize Jews as a nation or religious community,“ but as the owner of an incredible, destructive, infinitely influential, internationally ramified power ”, which Kiefer is an expression of the Islamist Sees anti-Semitism in general. The historian Günther Jikeli has dealt with the offensive rejection of the term anti-Semitism by the Muslim market. Although the website rejects the term anti-Semitism - like any form of racism - at the same time it uses common obfuscation arguments, such as the fact that Arabs as Semites can not be anti- Semites , that (their own admitted) anti-Zionism cannot be equated with anti-Semitism and that there are also Jewish Israelis who share their own positions. According to Jikeli, this argumentation pattern corresponds to that of right-wing extremist parties like the NPD and is used as an “alibi” to justify one's own anti-Semitic positions - for example, by only writing Israel in quotation marks and thus delegitimizing it. The Islamism expert Claudia Dantschke analyzes that the Muslim market is not openly directed against Jews, but uses the fight against the western-liberal democratic form of society with the "spearhead" Israel as a code for its own anti-Semitism. According to this argumentation, the Holocaust is also relativized by reinterpreting it as the struggle of modernity against religion and equating it with other crimes.

Actions such as a boycott of Israeli products are called for on the website of the Muslim Market . To this end, a “black list” of products to be boycotted was published. The operators state that this appeal is not directed against Judaism in general. Also US products such as Coca-Cola and German products and newspapers such as the daily newspaper are on the boycott list. The publicist Georg M. Hafner sees this as a similarity to boycott actions of the Nazi regime .

Observation by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution

The website and its operators were observed by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in 2004 . In the report for the protection of the constitution for the year 2004 the operators are accused of spreading anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli propaganda directly or indirectly "for a long time". In an interview, the Özoguz brothers also revealed a “close bond” to the Iranian government system by saying that a real constitution “only has the state of God” and that Ayatollah Seyyed Chāmene'ī instructs them .

Legal disputes

Trial for sedition

Yavuz Özoguz was the beginning of 2004 by the District Court Delmenhorst for incitement to imprisonment sentenced three months on probation because the website image documents from the time NS with current shots from the West Bank were combined without comment, and a speech of Imam Khamenei was published in who called the Holocaust a "fairy tale". The court rated this as “hostile agitation ” against Judaism . The aforementioned statements, the judges judged, represented a denial of the existence of the gas chambers and it had to be "feared that violent anti-Semites would take up the ideas as a kind of 'mental accelerator'". The judgment, however, did not become final after the public prosecutor's office and Özoguz, on the proposal of the judge against payment of 1000 euros to a charitable organization, agreed on a suspension with conditions according to §153a StPO.

Appeal investigation

The television magazine Report Mainz of Südwestrundfunk reported on October 17, 2005 that a Mubahala (curse) against the well-known orientalist Hans-Peter Raddatz was published in the open forum of Muslim-Markt . This request for a divine judgment read:

“If Islam is as Mr. Raddatz repeatedly imagines, then may the almighty Creator destroy all adherents of that religion! And if Mr. Raddatz is a hate preacher and a liar, then may the almighty Creator punish him for his crimes and also those who, despite multiple references to Raddatz's widespread untruths, still insist on them. "

- Muslim Forum, September 15, 2005 : quoted in: Marcus Hammerschmitt : Neues vom Kulturkampf , Telepolis, October 23, 2005

The Islam experts commissioned by Raddatz, Tilman Nagel and Gerd-Rüdiger Puin , came to the conclusion in their writings sent to the public prosecutor's office that the declaration on the Internet was to be understood as a claused call to murder. On October 19, 2005, according to various media reports, the Federal Prosecutor's Office started investigations against the operators for calling for murder. The Muslim market has repeatedly denied having committed a call to murder and denied the allegations.

In March 2006, the Oldenburg public prosecutor brought charges, but the Oldenburg Regional Court declined to open the main proceedings by a decision of October 23, 2006. This decision was confirmed by the OLG Oldenburg and justified as follows: According to this, the declaration does not contain a death threat or incitement to murder, but only a cursing formula in the form of a so-called “Mubahala”, which is common and widespread in the Arab-Islamic culture. Such a cursing formula then implies the desire to curse those who are wrong with a punishment from God.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gunther Latsch: Agitation on the Net. In: Der Spiegel Special 2/2008, pp. 124–126.
  2. Norbert Blech: Islamist portal runs constant agitation against homosexuals. Retrieved on July 9, 2020 (German).
  3. .
  4. Imprint. ( Memento from June 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) In: .
  5. ^ A b Claudia Dantschke : Between enemy image and partner. The extreme right and Islamism. In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-15911-9 , pp. 440–460, here pp. 452–455 .
  6. Michael Kiefer: Islamized anti-Semitism. In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus . Hostility to Jews in the past and present. Vol. 3: Concepts, theories, ideologies. De Gruyter Saur, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-598-24074-4 , pp. 133-136, here p. 136 .
  7. ^ Günther Jikeli: Anti-Semitism within the Extreme Right and Islamists' Circles. In: Olaf Glöckner , Haim Fireberg (Hrsg.): Being Jewish in the 21st-Century Germany (= European-Jewish Studies - Contributions. Vol. 16). De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston 2015, ISBN 978-3-11-035015-9 , pp. 188–207, here pp. 200 f.
  8. ^ Georg M. Hafner: Israel Boycott: Self-Righteous Debate. In: Jüdische Allgemeine , March 10, 2016.
  9. Constitutional Protection Report 2004: Section Muslim Market , p. 239f
  10. Pascal Beucker : Muslim is looking for a new job. In: the daily newspaper , March 6, 2004.
  11. ^ MM: Proceedings against MM, overview
  12. ^ Archive of the press releases of the OLG Oldenburg from January 23, 1997 to October 10, 2016. (PDF 1,82MB) Oldenburg Higher Regional Court, accessed on August 9, 2017 .
  13. ^ Higher Regional Court Lower Saxony, decision of October 23, 2006 - 1 Ws 422/06 .