Tilman Nagel

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Tilman Nagel (born April 19, 1942 in Cottbus ) is a German orientalist and Islamic scholar . Since 1989 he has been a full member of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen .


Nagel studied Islamic Studies, Comparative Religious Studies and Central Asian Studies at the University of Bonn . After a doctorate in 1967 and habilitation (award of the Venia legendi ) in 1971, he worked at the Department of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of Bonn until 1981. He then taught and researched from 1981 to 2007 as a professor for Arabic and Islamic studies at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and retired at the end of the 2007 summer semester. He gave his final lecture on education in the medieval world of Islam : the madrasah or the price of perfect knowledge . Sebastian Günther followed him on the chair in 2008 .


Nagel wrote important standard works in Islamic studies. His summum opus is the 1000-page biography of Muhammad published in 2008 . According to the author, “it is not a question of a picture of the Muslim biography of Muhammad, but rather the historical-scientific recording of his figure and his work against the background of the late ancient Near Eastern history of events, society and religion as well as the description of the genesis and Further development of the Muslim belief in Muhammad ”.

In the same year Nagel published his book “Allah's Favorite”, in which he attempts to provide an overview of the history of Muslim worship of Muhammad. The title alludes to a traditional saying of Muhammad, which Ibn al- Jawzī (1116–1201) reproduced as follows: “Allah took Abraham as his friend, and he communicated with Moses. But he chose me to be his favorite! ”Thereupon Allah swore:“ By my might! I certainly prefer my darling to the friend and the confidante! "

Nagel is known for analyzes and speaking out critical of Islam . He is a member of the Augusta Masonic Lodge for the Golden Circle in Göttingen, which he temporarily chaired as master .


  • Alexander the Great in early Islamic folk literature (= contributions to the linguistic and cultural history of the Orient , Volume 28). Verlag für Orientkunde, Walldorf 1978, ISBN 978-3-936687-28-6 .
  • State and religious community in Islam. Vol. 1: From the beginnings to the 13th century , ISBN 3-7608-4529-X ; Vol. 2: From the late Middle Ages to the modern age , Artemis, Zurich 1981, ISBN 3-7608-4531-2 .
  • The Koran. Introduction, texts, explanations . Beck, Munich 1983; 4th, unchanged edition, 2002, ISBN 3-406-43886-5 .
  • The fortress of faith. Triumph and failure of Islamic rationalism in the 11th century. Beck, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-406-33280-3 .
  • Timur the Conqueror and the Islamic World of the Late Middle Ages . Beck, Munich 1993 ISBN 3-406-37171-X .
  • History of Islamic Theology . Beck, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-406-37981-8 .
  • The Islamic world until 1500 . Munich 1998 (= Oldenbourg floor plan of history , volume 24), ISBN 978-3-486-53011-7 .
  • Islamic law. An introduction , WVA-Verlag, Westhofen 2001, ISBN 978-3-936136-00-5 .
  • Islam - The Koran's message of salvation and its consequences , WVA-Verlag, Westhofen 2001, ISBN 978-3-936136-01-2 .
  • The hidden in the obvious. The promise of salvation of Sunni Islam , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2002.
  • Allah's darling. Origin and manifestations of the belief in Mohammed , Oldenbourg, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58535-3 .
  • Mohammed - Life and Legend , Oldenbourg-Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-486-58534-6 .
  • Mohammed - 20 chapters on the Prophet of the Muslims , Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-59705-9 .
  • The Koran and its religious and cultural environment , Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-486-59052-4 .
  • Fear of allah? Confrontations with Islam , Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-428-14373-3 .
  • What is Islam? Fundamentals of a World Religion , Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-428-15228-5 .
  • The crushing burden of the eternal. Sunni Islam in thirty portrait sketches , 2 part volumes, vol. I: first and second part ; Vol. II: Third and Fourth Part , Berlin 2018.

Web links

Primary texts

Individual evidence

  1. From the voluntary disclosure on the publisher's homepage.
  2. Nagel: Allah's Favorite . 2008, p. 202.
  3. Cf. Can there be a secularized Islam? ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (2001; PDF; 742 kB), Islamic scholar Tilman Nagel: “Allowing Islamophobia” ( Memento from September 19, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (2009), forumamfreitag.zdf.de ; Busy on mission and waiting. Review by Hans-Peter Raddatz : From God to Allah? Christianity and Islam in the liberal progressive society , in: Junge Freiheit, July 13, 2001.