Mystici Corporis

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Mystici corporis ([The Doctrine of the] Mystical Body of Christ) is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII published on June 29, 1943 . on the constitution of the church as the "mysterious body of Christ ".

Main messages

The core message of this “Faith Encyclical” is that the mystical body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are “one and the same”. The encyclical takes up the Pauline idea of ​​the church as the mystical body of Christ.

The encyclical opposes both “rationalism and naturalism” and “false mysticism” in the exposition of the doctrine of the Church. In a declaration of the essence of this true Church of Christ, which is the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church, nothing more noble and excellent, nothing more divine can be found than that expression with which it is called "the mystical body of Jesus Christ" (MC 13) . This thought is carried out on the basis of the Bible and the Church Fathers . The connection of the individual Christian with Christ results - according to Pius XII. - a certainty of salvation (MC 24). Christ is the founder and author of holiness (MC 51). The work of the body of Christ is shown in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist (MC 51 ff., 82, etc.), but is also expressed in prayer (MC 89) and charity (MC 98). Christians must be moved by the needs of the world: while we are writing this, an almost infinite crowd of afflicted people stands before our eyes, whose pain we feel deeply. It is the sick, the poor, the cripples, the widows and orphans, and many who often endure exhaustion because of their own suffering or that of their own (MC 107). The encyclical closes with statements on the “apostolate of prayer” and the value of suffering, as well as, in the traditional way, with an invocation to Mary.

Since "Mystici corporis", published during the Second World War , was supposed to strengthen the faith of Christians in difficult times, the text is largely written in a "meditative" manner (of course, covered by the flowery style of the "pronouncement language" of the time). “Mystici corporis”, despite its “spiritual” content, contains numerous references to current affairs and politics, even in the guise of a biblical quotation, a surprisingly clear criticism:

“The Most High will ask about your works, and He will interrogate your thoughts because, as Walter, you have judged his violence unjustly, you have not observed the statutes of justice, have not walked according to God's will. He will stand before you terribly and surprisingly; for the hardest judgment comes against the authorities. The little man is shown mercy, but those in power are severely beaten. God spares no one because of his rank, He is not afraid of any greatness. The small and the large, He made them both and his care extends equally to all; but the stronger face greater punishment. To you, rulers, this word of mine applies that you learn wisdom and never disregard it! ( Wis 6.4 to 10  EU ) "

- Mystici Corporis 105


Overall, Mystici corporis represents the most important pronouncement on the doctrine of the church since 1800, which was also received in 1964 by the Council Fathers of the Second Vatican Council in the Constitution Lumen Gentium .

The encyclical clearly criticizes the Reich and superman ideology of totalitarian systems (especially the murders of the sick during the Nazi era ):

We experience with great pain how the physically deformed, mentally disturbed and hereditary sick people are sometimes robbed of their lives as a burden of society; yes, as it is praised by some as a new invention of human progress and an extremely charitable act. But what legal thinker does not see that such a view does not scorn the natural and divine law inscribed in all hearts any less than the feeling of any higher humanity? The blood of those who are dearer to our Savior precisely because they deserve greater mercy cries out from earth to heaven. (...)
Unfortunately, today more than ever there are people who haughtily boast of enmity, hatred and resentment, as if this were a tremendous increase in human honor and human strength. It is with pain that we see the ominous fruits of such principles. Let us therefore follow our Prince of Peace, who taught us to love not only those who are of different people and blood than we, but also our enemies. "

- Mystici Corporis 94 and 96


  • Karl Rahner : The membership in the church according to the teaching of the encyclical Pius' XII. "Mystici Corporis Christi" (1947) . In: K. Rahner: Complete Works , Vol. 10. Verlag Herder, Freiburg i.Br., 2003, pp. 3–71, ISBN 3-451-23710-5 .

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