Nadezhda Yevgenevna Ablowa

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Nadeschda Evgenjewna Ablowa ( Russian: Надежда Евгеньевна Аблова , Belarusian Надзея Яўгеньеўна Аблова; born April 18, 1956 in Minsk ) is a Soviet - Belarusian historian and university professor .


Ablowa came from a family of officials. She studied in Minsk at the Historical Faculty of the Belarusian State University (BGU) with completion in 1978. Then she completed the postgraduate at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU) at Nina Stepanovna Kinjapina (completion 1981) and defended there in 1982 with success their dissertation on the politics of Russia and Great Britain 1856-1881 after the Crimean War for the doctorate to the candidate of the historical sciences.

In 1982 Ablowa became a lecturer at the Department of History of the USSR in the History Faculty of the BGU, as well as scientific secretary and chairwoman of the Faculty's Council of Young Scientists. She gave lectures on the history of Russia in the 19th century and up to the October Revolution . From 1988–1991 she was a board member of the Soviet Association of Young Historians. In 1994 she changed to the chair for international relations and became vice dean for scientific work in the faculty for international relations at the BGU (until 2000).

In 2005 Ablowa successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the East China Railroad and Russian emigration to China with regard to international and political aspects during the first half of the 20th century at the Institute for the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow promotion to doctor of historical sciences. Since then she has been teaching at the Department of Political Science of the Institute for Social-Humanistic Education of the Belarusian State Economic University (appointed professor in 2008). Her research interests are the history of Russians abroad and problems of the development of international relations and foreign policy in Russia, as well as the history of diplomacy and politics.

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Individual evidence

  1. Корзенко Г. В .: Аблова Надежда Евгеньевна . In: Историки Беларуси в начале XXI столетия: биобиблиографический справочник . Белорусская наука, Minsk 2007, ISBN 978-985-08-0855-4 .
  2. a b c d History Faculty of the BGU: Аблова Надежда Евгеньевна (род. 18 апреля 1956 г.) (accessed on August 4, 2020).
  3. Русско-иранские отношения в годы англо-иранской войны (1856-1857  гг.) . In: Вестник МГУ. Серия 8 . No. 2 , 1982.
  4. Аблова Надежда Евгеньевна: КВЖД и российская эмиграция в Китае: международные и политические аспекты истории (первая половина XX  в.): Автореф. дис. Доктора ист. наук: спец. 07.00.03 . РАН, Ин-т Дальнего Востока, Moscow 2005.
  5. Аблова Надежда Евгеньевна: КВЖД и российская эмиграция в Китае: международные и политические аспекты истории (первая половина XX  в.): Дис. Доктора ист. наук: 07.00.03 . Moscow 2005.
  6. Аблова, Надежда Евгеньевна: Дальневосточная ветвь Русского зарубежья . РИВШ, Minsk 2007, ISBN 978-985-500-157-8 .