Hessian Spessart Nature Park

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Location of the Hessian Spessart Nature Park

The Hessian Spessart Nature Park was founded in 1963 and extends over 740 km². About 60 percent of this is forested, mostly with oak and beech.

The Spessart is a low mountain range that is essentially bordered by three rivers, from the Main between Gemünden and Hanau , from the Kinzig in the north and from the Sinn in the northeast. It is one of the largest contiguous forest areas in Germany and extends into the two federal states of Bavaria and Hesse . South of the Hessian Spessart lies the Bavarian Spessart , the Spessart Nature Park (1710 km²) , which was founded in 1960 .


Coat of arms of the Hessischer Spessart Nature Park

The Hessischer Spessart Nature Park is sponsored by the association of the same name, made up of cities, municipalities and the Main-Kinzig district .

Individual evidence

  1. paragraph after http://www.naturpark-hessischer-spessart.de/seite/266522/naturpark.html accessed 2019-08-07

Web links