Nicolas Roger de Beaufort

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Nicolas Roger de Beaufort (* 1340 ; † 1415 ), Comte de Beaufort , Vicomte de La Mothe , Seigneur de Saint-Exupéry , Ligny, Savennes, Chambon , Rosiers , is the son of Guillaume II. Roger , Comte de Beaufort, Seigneur de Rosiers, and Marie de Chambon, brother of Guillaume III. Roger de Beaufort and Pope Gregory XI. He was Vice Count of Turenne .



Initially he was destined for an ecclesiastical career, but then left after the Battle of Poitiers (1356) , in which his father was captured. Around 1370 he married Marguerite de Galard, Dame de Limeuil , Miramont , Clarens et Caumont, daughter of Jean de Galard, Seigneur de Limeuil, and Philippine de Toulouse-Lautrec. After the death of his wife, he married Mathe de Montaut on February 5, 1396, daughter of Raymond de Montaut, Seigneur de Mussidan et de Blaye, and Marguerite d'Albret.

Campaign in Italy

In 1371, when the Lords of Milan, Bernabò Visconti and Galeazzo II Visconti , who were at war against the House of Este , threatened the possession of the church, a papal league was formed on the initiative of Otto von Braunschweig against the Visconti family. It was placed under the control of Nicolas Roger de Beaufort and Raimond de Turenne . On October 12, 1372, Gregory XI, Hugues de la Roche , sent his majordomo, accompanied by Giovanni Fieschi , Bishop of Vercelli , Guillaume Lodart, Bishop of Lucca , Béranger, Abbot of Lézat , and John of Siena, Counselor of the Apostolic Chamber , to his nephew Raimond de Turenne and his brother Nicolas, who fought in Lombardy.

The league had as chief military leaders Nicola Spinelli and John Hawkwood . The Pope's coalition comprised the Princes of Montferrat, d'Este and Carrara, the Kingdom of Naples and the House of Savoy.

But in this war the Green Count ( Amadeus VI of Savoy ) had the fiefs of Queen Joan in Piedmont in mind rather than the papal plans. In order to end their confiscations, the Pope instructed his brother Nicolas on January 7, 1373 to demand the return, and the following day Queen Johanna mandated Nicola Spinelli, whom she appointed Seneschal of Piedmont, to regain Borgo San Dalmazzo and Cuneo . This happened on February 14, 1373.

On May 8, 1373, John Hawkwood and his company surprised the Visconti troops in Montichiari , who were advancing in disorder on the wooden bridge over the Chiese . Enguerrand de Coucy , Niccolò II. D'Este, Otto von Braunschweig, Raimond de Turenne, Louis de Valentinois and Nicolas Roger de Beaufort joined the English . The 600 pontificals destroyed the Milanese troops, around 1000 armed men, 300 archers and numerous foot troops on the bridge and on the banks of the Chiese.

Conflict with Gantonnet d'Abzac

Nicolas seems to have been the "red rag " for Gantonnet d'Abzac , the other papal captain in Italy. Her first conflict of interest dates back to 1376. In his will, Gantonnet explains: "In Avignon, in the hotel of Raimond de Pradelle, the late Archbishop of Nicosia, my uncle, there was a certain amount of objects and money that the sacquos had brought with them from Alexandria, which they had conquered, and which now belongs to the Saracens again, and where, when it was taken from the Christians, a lot of objects had been taken away from. Pope Gregory's people came to said hotel and took a lot of objects with them when said Pope Gregory went to Rome , Nicolas de Beaufort, knight, then Lord of Limeuil and now of Miramont, needed silver and gold and the Pope's treasurer had 1000 florins from me for safekeeping, which he gave to Mr. Nicolas with my consent, the said Mr. Nicolas to me with the first I only received 100 francs, and when the time had passed and I couldn't get the said 1,000 guilders from Nicolas, I got de n Pope Clement's treasurer in his presence and that of Nicolas asked about it, the treasurer said that he had given it to Nicolas, which the latter confirmed. Nicolas de Beaufort sent me to a place called Borrel, Diocese of Toulouse , to retake and keep this place occupied by his men, and he promised to reimburse me for whatever I will spend to keep this place. Then I went to Borrel and gave 400 gold francs and more for the place, for the repair of the walls, for food for the victims of the soldiers and guards who lived there, for which I received no refund. When I wanted to leave, the said Nicolas gave me 300 francs, which I gave to the soldiers. "

Conditions of inheritance

On August 9, 1390, Guilaume III, Viscount de Turenne, heir to the late Guillaume II granted Roger , his father, his brother Nicolas, the lord of Herment , the castles and lords of Chambon and Rosiers on the condition that he did not give them to Jean de Limeuil, his son who had switched to the English side. Nicolas died in 1415.


  1. Jean-Pierre Saltarelli, La campagne d'Italie de Raymond de Turenne (1372-1373) , Bulletin de la Société scientifique, historique et archéologique de la Corrèze, Volume 130, 2008.
  2. Jean-Pierre Saltarelli, p. 92.
  3. Giulio Maffii, article Hawkwood, Sir John , in Christopher Kleinhenz (ed.), Medieval Italy, An Encyclopedia , Routledge, 2004.
  4. Bruno Galland, Le rôle du comte de Savoie dans la Ligue de Grégoire XI contre les Visconti (1372-1373) , Mélanges de l'École française de Rome, Volume 105, No. 105-2, 1993.
  5. ^ Jean-Pierre Saltarelli, p. 95.
  6. ^ Jean-Pierre Saltarelli, p. 96.
  7. Arveno Sala, La cospirazione antivscontea in Bergamo , Rivista del Centro Studia et Richerche Archivio Bergamasco., 1983
  8. Testament de Gantonnet d'Abzac in: Louis de Mas Latrie, Histoire de l'Île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la Maison de Lusignan, Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1862-1861