Nicolaus von Thaden

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Nicolaus von Thaden

Nicolaus von Thaden (born February 20, 1770 in Norderfeld near Kleve , Ksp . Eider in the north of the Dithmarschen district , Schleswig-Holstein ; † January 11, 1848 in Tremsbüttel , Ksp. Bargteheide , Schleswig-Holstein) was a lawyer, Royal Danish Councilor of Justice , Knight of the Dannebrog Order , bailiff in Flensburg and owner of the Sünderuphof near Flensburg.


Nicolaus von Thaden studied philosophy in Jena from 1794 to 1795 , among other things as a student of Johann Gottlieb Fichte . From 1795 to 1798 he studied camera science in Copenhagen and Kiel , where he received his academic degree in 1798. In 1799 he was appointed bailiff of Flensburg, which was then part of Denmark, and since 1799 he has been the owner of the Sünderuphof, which was placed under monument protection in 1992.

He designed part of the land as an " ornamented farm " in the sense of a cultural landscape for a landscape garden . The bark pavilion, which was built in 1835 and was listed as a historical monument in 1997, is remarkable: a square building, the so-called bark house, made of four natural and uncut logs at the corners, rises above a pack of field stones, with single-shell boards in between, sitting over a protruding profile the conically formed thatched roof .

As a primeval hut in the Marc-Antoine Laugier sense , which stands in Rousseau's Park, it symbolizes the builder's liberal, enlightened mindset.

He was the father of Adolf Georg Jakob von Thaden, born on July 15, 1829 in Sünderuphof .


About the road police in the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein and their application in the Flensburg office , 1822.

The philosopher and lawyer Nicolaus von Thaden was in lively correspondence with the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel between 1815 and 1821 .

In his first receptions between 1815 and 1820 he dealt with the " science of logic " (GWFHegel, 1812-1816) and the phenomenology of the mind (GWFHegel, 1807).

In 1815 he wrote to the still almost unknown philosopher "... their logic is the book of books ...", in his 1821 reception of the work Baseline of Philosophy of Law (GWFHegel, 1821), published in the same year, he criticized Hegel however clearly:

“There is no longer any question of a philosophy without an epithet, because they are alternately decried as a royalist philosopher and as a philosophical royalist, - therefore part of the valiant book has become a historical - philosophical polemic ... The greatest and most important sentence: 'That Being is the good and the reasonable 'is philosophically true, but politically this sentence is wrong. "


  • Genealogical handbook of the nobility, noble houses B Volume XVIII. Limburg (Lahn) 1989, p. 478.
  • Deert Lafrenz: The East Holstein manor landscape as a historical cultural landscape. In: State Office for Monument Preservation Schleswig-Holstein (Ed.): DenkMal! Journal for Monument Preservation in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 4, 1997, pp. 33-42.
  • Sünderup Hof. In: Lutz Wilde (Hrsg.): Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany, cultural monuments in Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 2: City of Flensburg. Wachholz, Neumünster 2001, pp. 582-583.
  • H. Schulze: The bark pavilion in Flensburg-Sünderuphof. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Schleswig-Holstein, 2005.
  • About the road police in the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein, and their application in the Flensburg office, by Nicolaus von Thaden, bailiff in Flensburg. In: Citizenship Magazine. Vol. II, H. 3, Flensburg 1822, pp. 609-642.
  • Letters from and to Hegel. Volume II: 1813-1822. (Nikolaus von Thaden to Hegel, Hegel to von Thaden). Edited by Johannes Hoffmeister. Akademie, Berlin 1970, licensed edition of the Felix Meiner publishing house, Hamburg, of the third revised edition from 1969, p. 54, p. 138, p. 182, p. 205, p. 222, p. 278.
  • Manfred Riedel (ed.): Materials on Hegel's legal philosophy. Volume 1. Nikolaus von Thaden, letter to Hegel 1821. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, 1975, p. 76.
  • Ralf Dahrendorf: Traditions of the German University. In: The time. No. 38, September 18, 1964.
  • Vittorio Hösle: Hegel's system. The idealism of subjectivity and the problem of intersubjectivity. Volume 1: System Development and Logic. Meiner, Hamburg 1988.

Individual evidence

  1. Nicolaus von Thaden, Synderuphoff the August 8, 1821

Web links

Commons : Nicolaus von Thaden  - Collection of images, videos and audio files