Nikolai Stepanowitsch Tschernych

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Nikolai Stepanovič Tschernych ( Russian: Николай Степанович Черных , scientific transliteration Nikolaj Stepanovič Černych ; English spelling: Nikolai Stepanovich Chernykh ; * October 6, 1931 in Usman , today Lipetsk Oblast , Soviet Union in Moscow ; † May 26, 2004 was a Russian in Astronomer Moscow .

Tschernych worked from 1963 on, together with his wife Lyudmila Ivanovna Tschernych ( Людмила Ивановна Черных ), at the Crimean Observatory . His specialties were astrometry and the dynamics of small bodies in the solar system . He discovered several comets , including the periodic comets 74P / Smirnova-Chernykh and 101P / Chernykh . In addition, he discovered 537 asteroids , including:

(2361) Gogol , (2362) Mark Twain , (2388) Gase , (2427) Kobzar , (2431) Skovoroda , (2606) Odessa , (2721) Vsekhsvyatskij , (2867) Šteins , (2883) Barabashov , (3448) Narbut , (4426) Roerich , (4429) Chinmoy , (4520) Dovzhenko , (4534) Rimskij-Korsakov , (5889) Mickiewicz , (6575) Slavov , (6622) Matvienko , (10010) Rudruna and the Trojan (2207) Antenor .

In honor of the Chernychs, the asteroid (2325) was named Chernykh .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Minor Planet Discoverers