Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Tchaikovsky

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Nikolai Tchaikovsky

Nikolai Vasilyevich Tchaikovsky ( Russian Николай Васильевич Чайковский * Dec. 26, 1850 . Jul / 7. January  1851 greg. In Vyatka , † thirtieth April 1926 in Harrow, London ) was a Russian social revolutionary .


Nikolai, scion of a noble family, went to the Vyatka grammar school in 1862 and moved to a St. Petersburg student in 1864 . He completed the latter with distinction in 1868. 1872 closed Nikolai studying the chemistry of Science Mathematics at the Faculty of St. Petersburg University in Mendeleyev and Butlerov from.

In 1869, while studying chemistry, he joined the circle of Narodnik Natanson and the revolutionary Vasily Mikhailovich Alexandrow. When the circle grew in 1871, it became known as the Tchaikovsky Circle . Also in 1871, Nikolai spent three months in prison. After his studies he learned while traveling through Russia, the Don Cossacks - precisely the Nekrasov Cossacks - to know better.

In 1874 Nikolai Tchaikovsky emigrated to the United States, where he made friends with Solovyov's idea of Christ's humanity as God . In Kansas , he started the agricultural commune Godmen . That is not enough. Nikolai Tchaikovsky hired himself as an unskilled factory worker, as a ship's carpenter and as a worker in a Philadelphia sugar factory. He spent about a year with the New York Shakers .

In 1878 Nikolai Tchaikovsky returned to Europe and helped found the Russian-language "Fund of the Free Russian Press" in London: Socialist ideas were to be spread. In 1899 he became a member of the Agrarian Socialist League . This was absorbed by the Social Revolutionaries from 1905 at the latest. At the end of 1905 Nikolai Tchaikovsky took part in the 1st Congress of this party in Finland . Between 1905 and 1907 he campaigned for arms for the Russian Revolution in two campaigns. Firstly, it was about the venture with the steamship John Grafton and secondly, Nikolai Tchaikovsky took a trip back to the USA in connection with the purchase of weapons.

In 1907 Nikolai Tchaikovsky returned to the Perm Governorate . There he wanted to unleash a war in the style of the Forest Brothers against the Russian monarchy. A veteran from the Civil War , whom the Social Revolutionary had brought with him from the States as an advisor, found the area in the Urals suitable for guerrilla warfare .

March 1919: Northern Russia around Arkhangelsk (east of Finland in the map sketch)

While trying to leave Russia on November 22, 1907 under the false name of Nikanor Nikanorow, he was arrested and held in the Peter and Paul Fortress . On October 3, 1908, he was transferred to another Petersburg prison. In 1910 Nikolai Tchaikovsky was finally released on bail and was allowed to live as a free man in Russia from then on. There he participated in cooperative work, made it to the top of a Masonic lodge and became a member of the Free Imperial Economic Society . 1916–1917 he was active in the All-Russian Cities Union . He was the organizer of the 1st All-Russian Congress of Farmers' Deputies.

After the February Revolution of 1917 , Nikolai Tchaikovsky was represented in the Petrograd Soviet . In the summer and autumn of 1917 he took part in two forums of the Provisional Government initiated by Kerensky in Moscow . His birthplace, Vyatka, sent him to the Russian Constituent Assembly .

During the October Revolution , Nikolai Tchaikovsky was a bitter opponent of the victorious Bolsheviks . He was a member of the Committee to Save the Fatherland and the Revolution . In 1919 Nikolai Tchaikovsky headed the Northern Russian government in Arkhangelsk . From May 1920 he lived in exile in London. There he took an active part in the social life of the emigrants until his death.


Web links

Commons : Nikolai Tchaikovsky  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Mark Andrejewitsch Natanson
  2. Russian Василий Михайлович Александров
  3. Russian Tschaikowzy
  4. Russian Nekrasovzy
  5. Russian Bogotschelowetschestvo
  6. Russian богочеловеков - bogotschelowekow
  7. Russian Фонда Вольной русской прессы - Fonda Wolnoi russkoi pressy
  8. Russian Аграрно-социалистическая лига - Agrarno-socijalisticheskaya league
  9. Russian I съезде эсеров - 1st Party Congress of the Social Revolutionaries
  10. eng. John Grafton
  11. Russian Лесные братья (1905–1906)
  12. Russian Великий восток народов России
  13. Russian Императорское Вольное экономическое общество
  14. Russian Всероссийский союз городов - Vserossijski soyuz gorodow
  15. Russian Государственное совещание в Москве and Всероссийское демократическое совещание
  16. Russian Комитет спасения Родины и революции
  17. Russian Северная область (1918–1920)


  1. A little earlier, in the autumn of 1902, Leon Trotsky went to London to see Lenin . A good quarter of a century later he remembers his meeting with Nikolai Tchaikovsky in London: “At that time I gave a presentation in Whitechapel , where I crossed blades with the patriarch of emigration, Tchaikovsky, and the no longer young anarchist Cherkesov. I was genuinely amazed at the childish arguments with which the venerable old men tried to smash Marxism . ”(Trotsky, p. 136, 22. Zvo, see also First Emigration at MIA )