Nikolaus Rhodokanakis

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Nikolaus Rhodokanakis ( Greek Νικόλαος Ροδοκανάκης Nikólaos Rodokanákis ; Arabic رودوكاناكس; * April 8, 1876 in Alexandria , Egypt ; † December 30, 1945 in Graz , Austria ) was a Greek - Austrian Semitist and Arabist .


Rhodokanakis was the son of a merchant. He started off with a law degree in Vienna , but then switched to Semitic Philology and Egyptology and continued studying Arabic and Aramaic at the University of Strasbourg . He graduated with a doctorate in 1898 and qualified as a professor in 1903 in Semitic philology. In 1904 he received a travel grant to study New Arabic in Constantinople and Cairo . In 1907 he went to the University of Graz , where he was initially an unpaid associate professor and not until 1917 full professor for Semitic philology. In 1915 he became a corresponding and in 1919 a full member of the Academy of Sciences . Over time, his research focus increasingly shifted to research into South Arabic .

In 1908 he took texts in the slang dialect of Zafār and published them with translation. He later edited texts from the Eduard Glaser collection and thus became the new founder of Sabaean Studies . In it he worked on epigraphy , settlement and constitutional history. He also gave frequent lectures on the original Gospel texts.

From 1938 he was in poor health and died in 1945.



  • Al-Hansâ 'and their funeral songs, in: Sbb. Wien, phil.-hist. Kl. 147, 1904.
  • The ethiop. Hss. The kk Hofbibl. zu Wien, ibid, 151, 1906.
  • The vulgar arab. Dialect in Dofâr (Zafãr), in: South Arab. Expedition 8, 1908, 10, 1911.
  • E. Glaser's trip to Mârib, gem. with DH v. Müller, 1-4, 1913.
  • The principle of the public in South Arabia. Documents, in: Sbb. Vienna, phil.-hist. Kl. 177, 1915.
  • Studied lexicography and grammar of Old South Arabia. 1–3, Sbb. Vienna, phil.-hist. Kl. 178, 1915/16, 185, 1917, 213, 1931.
  • Kataban. Texts on land management 1, in: Sbb. Wien, phil.-hist. Kl. 194, 1919, 2, 198, 1923.
  • The inscriptions on the wall of Kohlān-Timna. Sbb. Vienna, phil.-hist. Kl. 200, 1924.
  • Public life in old south arabia. States, in: Hdb. Der Altarab. Altertumskde., Ed. by D. Nielsen, 1, 1927.
  • Old Texts 1, in: Sbb. Wien, phil.-hist. Kl. 206, 1927, 2. in: Wr. Z. for the Kde. Des Morgenlandes 39, 1932.
  • For the interpretation of old South Arabian. Inscriptions, according to with M. Höfner, 1–3, Wr. Z. for the Kde. Des Morgenlandes 1936.


  • The Diwân of 'Ubaid-Allâh Ibn Kais ar-Rukajjât, in: Sbb. Vienna, phil.-hist. Kl. 144, 1902.
  • Old South Arab. Inscriptions, in: Altoriental. Texts and pictures on the Old Testament, ed. by H. Greßmann, 1, 2nd edition 1926.


The book of Job, in: Wr. Z. for the Kde. Des Morgenlandes 45, 1938.

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfdieter Bihl: Oriental Studies at the University of Vienna pp. 73–74.
  2. ÖBL, 113.