Nikolaus von Adelung (entomologist)

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Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Adelung (around 1900)

Nikolaus von Adelung , also Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Adelung ( Russian: Николай Николаевич Аделунг ; * 23 April July / 5 May  1857 greg. In Stuttgart ; † 15 November July / 28 November  1917 greg. In St. Petersburg ), was a Russian entomologist .


Origin and family

Nikolaus was a member of the Russian noble family Adelung founded by his grandfather Friedrich von Adelung (1768–1843) . His parents were the Württemberg privy councilor and secretary of Olga von Württemberg Nikolaus von Adelung (1809–1878) and Alexandrine von Schubert (1824–1901). He was a brother of the writer Olga von Adelung (1864–1952), the builder of the Elisenhof in Backnang Alexander von Adelung (1860–1915) and the painter Sophie von Adelung (1850–1927) as well as a cousin of the meteorologist Wladimir Köppen (1846– 1940) and the mathematician Sofja Kowalewskaja (1850–1891). He married Emma Zschutzschke, the marriage remained childless.


Adelung served as a volunteer in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877/78 and was promoted to ensign in the Imperial Russian Army .

He studied natural sciences at the University of Heidelberg , where he received his doctorate in 1890. From 1891 to 1893 he was assistant to Otto Nüsslin at the zoological laboratory of the Polytechnic Institute in Karlsruhe and to Otto Bütschli at the zoological laboratory of Heidelberg University. From 1894 to 1897 he studied Orthoptera at the Geneva Natural History Museum ( Musée d'histoire naturel ) under the direction of Henri de Saussure .

After his return to Russia in 1897 he was first junior and from 1911 senior zoologist at the Zoological Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences . He headed the Institute for Orthoptera, Neuroptera and Hymenoptera, ibid. He was secretary of the international correspondence of the Russian Entomological Society from 1898 to 1906 and from 1903 he was chairman of the zoology department at the Bureau of International Bibliography of the Academy of Sciences. In the years 1907–1917 Adelung was the editor of volumes XII – XXII of the yearbook of the Zoological Museum . He participated in the creation of the first two editions of the Brockhaus-Efron .


Adelung's research and publication focus was on the orthoptera. Below are some of his works, which were written in Latin script .

  • Contributions to the knowledge of the locustid tibial auditory system. In: Journal for Scientific Zoology , LIV, 1892, pp. 316–349, Tab. XIV – XV. (Dissertation at Heidelberg University)
  • Contribution to the knowledge of the Palearctic Stenopelmatids. In: Тамъ же, VII, 1902, pp. 55–75.
  • Reply to the "Proposals for reducing scientific linguistic confusion" (Anat. Anz., XX, p. 462). In: Zoological displays, XXV, 1902, pp. 649–652.
  • Blattodées, reports by Mr. le Capitaine GW Kachovski de l'Abyssinie méridionale et des contrées limitrophes en 1898. In: Ежегодн. 3ooл. Myз., VIII, (1903) 1904, pp. 300–337, Tab. XX.
  • A new Ectobia, E. duskei, vom Bogdo, and some remarks on Russian varieties of E. perspicillaris. In: Tpyды Pycc. Энтом. 0бщ., XXXVII, 1904, pp. 127-137.
  • Symbola nova ad cognitionem Blattodeorum Africae orientalis. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., IX, (1904) 1905, pp. 417–489.
  • Contributions to the orthopter fauna of the southern Crimea. I. Blattodea and Locustodea, collected by NJ Kusnezov, 1897-1905. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XII, 1907, pp. 388-413.
  • Directory of the orthoptera collected by M. Th. Kalischewsky in 1905 in Abkhazia. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XII, 1907, pp. 119–143.
  • Orthoptera (прямокрылыя) [въ статьѣ: Списокъ насѣкомыхъ, собранныхъ въ Шлиссельбургской крѣпости въ 1901–1904. М. В. Новорусскимъ]. In: Труды Русск. Энтом. Общ., XXXVIII, 1907, S. CXLII.
  • Contribution to the knowledge of the orthoptera fauna of Transkauekasien. In: Труды Русск. Энтом. Общ., XXXVIII, 1907, pp. 32–81, табл. I.
  • To the orthopter fauna of Chinese Central Asia. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XIII, (1908) 1909, pp. LVII – LIX.
  • Note on Psectra diptera Burm. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XIV, 1909, pp. XLIII – XLVI.
  • About new species of the genus Gampsocleis fever. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XIV, 1909, pp. 332-345.
  • About some notable orthopters from Palearctic Asia. In: Труды Русск. Энтом. Общ., XXXIX, 1910, pp. 328–358, Tab. XV.
  • Quelques Blattaires nouveaux de l'Afrique septentrionale. In: Boletin Soc. España. Hist. Nat., 1914, pp. 123-138.
  • Contributions à la connaissance des Blattaires paléarctiques. I. Genre Ectobius Steph. Considérations générales, formes nouvelles de l'Europe occidentale. In: Ежег. Зоол. Муз., XXI, 1916, pp. 243-268.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernhard Koerner (Ed.): Genealogical handbook of bourgeois families . Volume 36 , CA Starke Verlag , Görlitz, pp. 22-26.