Non-language learning disorder

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The non-language learning disorder or non-verbal learning disorder ( English Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Nonverbal Learning Disability ( NLD ) ) is a neuropsychological syndrome that is characterized by specific skills and deficits .

The non-verbal learning disorder does not have its own ICD-10 cipher. The classification should be based on the severity and degree of expression:

  • ICD-10 F74 dissociated intellectual disability
  • ICD-10 F81.8 other developmental disorders of school skills

Because of the overlap with Asperger's syndrome , the following assignment may also be conceivable:

  • ICD-10 F84.1 atypical autism

Symptoms and ailments

The deficits include a. that no body language can be used or understood. Skills include early language and vocabulary development , remarkable memory for memorization , attention to detail , early reading development, and excellent language skills. In addition, these people have the linguistic ability to express themselves eloquently.

In addition, people with NLD have strong auditory memories.

The following main categories of deficits and disorders can be seen :

Most Asperger - autistic people have symptoms of a nonverbal learning disorder , but not all people with nonverbal learning disorder are autistic . However, the neurophysiological differences between Asperger's syndrome and NLD are unclear.

Current conceptualization

Petermann, Knievel & Tischler (2010) and Tischler, et al. (2010, 2011) suggest dropping the term non-language learning disorder. Instead, they recommend concentrating on the impairments in visual information processing, as proposed by the Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF, 2009). This approach is currently prevalent in German-speaking countries, as there was hardly any publication on the NLD. Essentially, it includes a subdivision of the visual-based symptoms into spatial-perceptual (recognizing and evaluating distances, angles and positions), spatial-cognitive (imaginative manipulation of spatial information, see for example mental rotation ) and spatial-constructive (implementation Presentation of the current content or visual information in tatsäche action in space, see FIG. about Visuomotor ). In addition to impairments in speaking and language as well as in movement coordination, deficits in the visual-spatial perception shown are seen as being linked to the development of specific developmental disorders in school skills (reading, writing, arithmetic) (see also Schroeder, 2010; Tischler, 2015) .


The cause of the non-verbal learning disorder is suspected to be neurological damage, possibly caused by damage to the white matter of the right cerebral hemisphere (Rourke 1989).

Consequences and complications

A Non-verbal learning disorder leads already in kindergarten and in school to difficulties in the acquisition of knowledge , in games , in sporting activity and the social behavior . The vocational training and -ausübung is limited. Difficulties in leading an independent life can arise; Obtaining a driving license and driving a car are difficult. The motor and balance problems can falls and accidents cause. The abnormalities in social behavior can lead to discrimination , social withdrawal, isolation and loneliness .

Good language skills , early reading development , good memory for memorization , attention to detail and eloquence can possibly hide the other deficits . Therefore, people with a non-verbal learning disorder are easily threatened by excessive demands from educators , teachers and trainers .


A Non-verbal learning disorder may not cause treated, one can at most try the symptoms to be treated experimentally with occupational therapy and physical therapy to improve motor skills and perception , social skills -Training to improve social behavior and psychotherapy or talk therapy as psychological support.


  • Byron P. Rourke: Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: The Syndrome and the Model. Guilford Pubn, 1989
  • F. Petermann, J. Knievel, L. Tischler .: Non-language learning disorder. Appearances, causes and intervention options. Hogrefe, Göttingen 2010.
  • L. Tischler, K. Knievel, C. Jacobs, F. Petermann: To the concept of the non-language learning disorder. In: Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie , 58, 2010, pp. 309–313.
  • L. Tischler, F. Petermann: Non-language learning disorder (NSL) and visual perception . Part 1. In: praxis ergotherapie , 24, No. 5, 2011, pp. 284–290.
  • L. Tischler, F. Petermann: Non-language learning disorder (NSL) and visual perception . Part II: Diagnostics and Therapy . In: praxis ergotherapie , 24, No. 6, 2011, pp. 335–341.
  • L. Tischler: On the conceptualization of the visual-spatial perception as a school performance-related precursor ability. accessed on May 17, 2015.

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