Upper Austrian document book

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The Upper Austrian Document Book (short: OÖUB ), also called the document book of the state above the Enns (short: UBLOE ), is an edition of the oldest historical sources of Upper Austria .


The first document collections in Upper Austria were the Festschrift Chronicon Lunaelacense , which the abbot and archivist Bernhard Lidl published in 1748 to mark the millennium of the foundation of Mondsee Abbey , and the Diplomatarium Garstense chronicle about the Garsten Abbey , which Erasmus Frölich published in 1754, with the Prussian state archivist Johann Peter von Ludewig and the Graz Jesuit Sigmund Pusch had done the most important preparatory work for the data on the house monastery of the Styrian Otakare . Important contributions to Upper Austrian document research then came from the Sankt Florian monastery , where Franz Kurz (1771–1843), Joseph Gaisberger (1792–1871), Franz Xaver Pritz (1791–1872), Joseph Chmel (1798–1858) and Jodocus Stülz ( 1799–1872) worked as a historian.

In 1833, the was at the instigation of the Upper Austrian district administrator Anton von Spaun and Florian Chorherrn Franz short of the Upper Austrian Museum Association established the Andrew Meiller entrusted with the publication of an Upper Austrian document book. On March 1, 1848, the rough printing of the first volume began. On October 21, 1850, Stülz reported to the administrative committee that the rough printing of the text sheet had been completed, and on February 7, 1851, Meiller reported on the completion of the final printing. After the title, the dedication and the preface had been determined, the Vienna Court and State Printing House published the first volume.

In 1912 the Upper Austrian Museum Association handed over the archive and the documents for the document book to the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives , which had been founded in 1896. On March 5, 1929, the Upper Austrian provincial government decided to continue the document book, the last volume of which was published in 2012 for the time being.


Volumes published by the Upper Austrian Museum Association:

Further volumes, published by the Upper Austrian Provincial Archives:

  • Erich Trinks (edit.): Document book of the state above the Enns. Volume 10. Vienna 1933–1939 (documents from the years 1381–13 ??).
  • Erich Trinks (edit.): Document book of the state above the Enns. Volume 11. Vienna 1941–1956 (documents from the years 13 ?? - 1399).
  • Hans Sturmberger (edit.): Document book of the state above the Enns. Register for the 10th volume. Vienna 1950.
  • Othmar Hageneder (edit.): Document book of the state above the Enns. Register for the 11th volume. Vienna 1983.
  • Walter Aspernig (edit.): Document book of the state above the Enns. Volume 12. Documents and registers from the Wels archives 1400–1450. Linz 2012.

See also

Comparable document books were later also created in other Austrian federal states (sorted by year of first publication):

  • Document book of the Duchy of Styria (1875)
  • Monumenta historica ducatus Carinthiae. Historical monuments of the Duchy of Carinthia (from 1896)
  • Salzburg document book (from 1910)
  • Tyrolean document book (from 1937)
  • Burgenland document book (from 1955)
  • Lower Austrian document book , initiated by Maximilian Weltin (from 2008)


  • Erich Trinks: The document book of the state above the Enns. In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 85, Linz 1933, pp. 589-636 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  • Walter Aspernig: Continuation of the document book of the state ob der Enns. In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 151, Linz 2006, pp. 307-312 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Trinks 1933, p. 595.
  2. Trinks 1933, p. 596.
  3. Trinks 1933, p. 598.
  4. a b Trinks 1933, p. 621.
  5. a b Trinks 1933, p. 633f.
  6. a b Document book of the state above the Enns. In: opac.regesta-imperii.de.
  7. ^ Eduard Straßmayr: Obituaries. Erich Trinks. (1890-1958). In: Yearbook of the Upper Austrian Museum Association. Volume 104, Linz 1959, pp. 99-100, PDF on ZOBODAT