Anton von Spaun

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Portrait of Spaun (around 1840)

Anton Ritter von Spaun (born May 31, 1790 in Linz , Upper Austria ; † June 26, 1849 in Kremsmünster , Upper Austria) was a literary historian , folklorist and musician.


He came from an originally Swabian family whose lineage begins with the farmer and Garnsieder Bartholomäus Spaun , documented 1583–1599, in Deisenhausen ( district of Günzburg ) and which later became prosperous in Linz. He was the son of Franz Xaver Ritter von Spaun (1756-1804), imperial councilor and estate syndic in Upper Austria, and the widowed Josepha Steyrer von Riedenburg (1757-1835). His brother was the Imperial Court Councilor and Lottery Director Joseph Freiherr von Spaun (1788-1865), the patron of the composer Franz Schubert .

Spaun married Henriette Freiin von Vogelsang on November 25, 1818 in Linz (born October 3, 1789 in Antwerp , Belgium , † August 31, 1870 in Linz), the daughter of the Imperial and Royal Feldzeugmeister Ludwig Freiherr von Vogelsang and Baroness Victoria Sanchez de Aguilar ( Aquilar) . With her he had two children, Ludwig and Marie. His son Ludwig Ritter von Spaun (* Sep. 2, 1823 in Linz; † Feb. 16, 1908) married Emilie von Kindinger on May 23, 1865. His daughter Marie Edle von Spaun (* 1829 in Linz; † June 18, 1895) married the grandson of Johann Georg von Hagenauer , Franz de Paula II. Baron von Hagenauer, on August 25, 1851 in Traunkirchen , with Moritz von Schwind being the best man.


Anton Spaun and his brother were homeschooled by his uncle Franz Anton von Spaun , who had served ten years in solitary confinement because of writings dangerous to the state. After finishing school at the Stiftsgymnasium Kremsmünster , Anton von Spaun studied law in Vienna. Later Spaun was district administrator , legal counsel in Linz and knighthood councilor in Upper Austria. He was a passionate researcher and above all interested in the history of the people and their cultural expressions, as he was concerned that much would be lost. So he began collecting documents, historical features, and natural history objects to preserve and spread this heritage.

Spaun laid the foundation for the Upper Austrian State Museum Francisco-Carolinum in 1833 and the document book of the State of Upper Austria. His extensive field of activity was the research of dialect, folk songs, costumes and dances. Spaun, who lived and worked in the spirit of Romanticism, left a rich cultural legacy and is seen as the founder of folklore in Austria. He belonged to the circle around Adalbert Stifter , Ernst von Feuchtersleben and Moritz von Schwind.

In 1896 the Spaungasse in Vienna- Brigittenau (20th district) was named after him.


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