Wroclaw Higher Mining Authority

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The Oberbergamt Breslau was a Prussian authority for the administration of mines, smelters and salt works. It was dissolved in 1945.


Seal mark Prussian Mining Authority in Breslau

After the Seven Years' War , Silesia and the county of Glatz fell to Prussia with the Treaty of Hubertusburg . In 1769 , Frederick the Great founded the Upper Mining Authority of the Duchy of Silesia and the County of Glatz zu Reichenstein as the intermediate authority for the administration of Silesian mining . On November 5, 1769, the "Revised Mountain Regulations for the sovereign Duchy of Silesia and for the County of Glatz" was created as the legal basis for the mining administration. The Oberbergamt had to be relocated to Reichenbach in 1778 because of the War of the Bavarian Succession .

In 1777 King Friedrich II commissioned Friedrich Anton Freiherr von Heinitz to manage the entire Prussian mining administration. The minister of the mining and smelting department arranged for the mining of Prussia to be divided into four main mining districts, based on the English model:

  1. the Kurmark, Neumark, East and West Prussia,
  2. Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Hohenstein and the county of Mansfeld,
  3. Silesia and the County of Glatz,
  4. the Westphalian provinces.

The Oberbergamt of the Duchy of Silesia and the County of Glatz was responsible for Silesia and the County of Glatz. In 1779 it was moved to Breslau. These four main mining districts were converted into the Oberbergamtsbezirke Berlin , Halle , Oberbergamt Breslau and Dortmund in 1815/16 (later the Oberbergamt Bonn was created for the Rhine Province ). Mining authorities were subordinate to these intermediate authorities.

From 1819 to 1850 Brieg was the seat of the Oberbergamt, after which it was moved back to Wroclaw. With the separation of the eastern territories of the German Reich in 1945, the history of the Prussian Oberbergamt Breslau ended.


The miners were the heads of the mining authority.


  • Mining inventory, 2003, pp. XII ff., Online

Web links

Commons : Sealing stamps of Königliches Oberbergamt Breslau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files