Optimus Quisque

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Optimus Quisque is the title of a biography collection edited by Karl Heinz Feuerlein. The “Optimus Quisque Mono” edition contains individual biographies of renowned personalities.

Optimus Quisque (lat.) Means something like “The best of the best” or “Just the best”. Optimus Quisque has also been the motto of the Sovereign Order of Malta for almost 900 years . The “Optimus Quisque” edition is a series of current reference works in which the volumes “Life Success of the Efficient”, “Success and Role Model” and “Courage to Success” have appeared so far. The biographies are available in German, English and Spanish. The Optimus Quisque Collegium decides on admission to the collection. In addition to the editorial staff, the persons previously included in the collection are entitled to make suggestions.

In Germany there are many personalities who have made something special out of their lives despite or precisely because of a difficult initial situation. The Edition Optimus Quisque sees itself as a documentary work that brings out life pictures of outstanding personalities as a collection in a loose sequence. The first volume in the series Optimus Quisque: “Success of the Efficient” contains biographies of:

The second volume in the Optimus Quisque series: “Success and Role Model” contains biographies of:

The third volume in the Optimus Quisque series: “Courage to Success” contains biographies of:


  • Karl Heinz Feuerlein (Ed.): Optimus Quisque. Volume: Life success of the able. A collection of life pictures of successful Bavarians. Bavarian Monthly Mirror Verlag, Munich 2002.
  • Karl Heinz Feuerlein (ed.). Optimus Quisque. Band: Success and role model. A collection of biographies by successful Germans. Self-published by KH Feuerlein, Nuremberg 2008.