Ottavio Scotti (film architect)

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Ottavio Scotti (born February 23, 1904 in Umago , Italy , today: Croatia ; † May 23, 1975 in Rome ) was an Italian film architect .

Live and act

Scotti received his artistic training in the 1920s at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia . It was not until the age of 34 that he was able to design the buildings for a production, the lavish historical drama Stürme über Morreale , for the first time as the sole responsible film architect . In the following years, Ottavio Scotti was one of the most sought-after production designers in his country and designed the sets for well over a hundred entertainment productions, including only a few artistically ambitious productions such as Luchino Visconti's contemporary drama Sehnsucht , for which he evoked a luxuriant decor of the Risorgimento . Other directors Scotti worked with included Vittorio De Sica , Mario Mattòli , Jean Delannoy , Camillo Mastrocinque , Guido Brignone , Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia , Max Neufeld and Gennaro Righelli . Ottavio Scotti ended his career at the beginning of the 1970s with the construction of two horror stories by Antonio Margheriti .


  • 1938: Storms over Morreale (Ettore Fieramosca)
  • 1939: Dangerous women (Io, suo padre)
  • 1939: Lottery of love (La mia canzone al vento)
  • 1940: Taverna rosa
  • 1940: Cantate con me!
  • 1940: Piccolo alpino
  • 1941: mother (mamma)
  • 1941: The love lie (Luce nelle tenebre)
  • 1941: Miss Frechdachs (Scampolo)
  • 1941: Innocence in Love (Teresa Venerdi)
  • 1941: Solitudine
  • 1942: Paura d'amare
  • 1942: Catene invisibili
  • 1942: Fedora
  • 1942: La maestrina
  • 1943: Il nostro prossimo
  • 1943: Incontri di nett
  • 1943: I nostri sogni
  • 1944: Rosalba
  • 1944: Fiori d'arancio
  • 1945: Chi l'ha visto?
  • 1945: Lettere al sottotenente
  • 1946: Sinfonia fatale
  • 1946: Senza famiglia
  • 1946: Paese senza pack
  • 1946: Il tiranno di Padova
  • 1947: Il Passatore
  • 1947: Il corriere del re
  • 1947: The Charterhouse of Parma (La chartreuse de Parme) (only equipment)
  • 1948: Rocambole
  • 1948: I pagliacci
  • 1948: Count Cagliostro (Black Magic )
  • 1949: Il grido della terra
  • 1949: Atonement without Sin (Catene)
  • 1950: The Road to Doom (La strada buia)
  • 1950: The thief of Venice (Il ladro di Venezia)
  • 1950: A mother's sacrifice (Tormento)
  • 1950: Inexorable love (Gli inesorabili)
  • 1951: Verginità
  • 1951: When love dies (Duello senza sonore)
  • 1951: Mother's love, mother's suffering (I figli di nessuno)
  • 1952: It started on the street (Wanda, la peccatrice)
  • 1952: Menzogna
  • 1952: Penne nere
  • 1953: The meat is weak (Bufere)
  • 1953: Forgive me, Madonna (Noi peccatori)
  • 1953: Silvana (Vortice)
  • 1953: Foreign Legion (Legione straniera)
  • 1953: love, women and soldiers (Destini di donne)
  • 1953: Longing (Senso)
  • 1954: The Eternal Song of Love (Processo contro ignoti)
  • 1954: Magdalena - Diary of a Lost Woman (Maddalena)
  • 1954: Tragedy of the Whore (La schiava del peccato)
  • 1954: Orient Express (Orient Express)
  • 1954: Meeting in Rome (Una parigina a Roma)
  • 1955: Robin Hood, the black cavalier (Il principe dalla maschera rossa)
  • 1955: La rivale
  • 1955: women behind bars (L'angelo bianco)
  • 1956: Women and Wolves (Uomini e lupi)
  • 1958: Totò e Marcellino
  • 1959: Under the sign of Rome (Nel segno di Roma)
  • 1959: Twice the Riviera and back (Costa Azzurra)
  • 1959: women behind bars (Nella città l'inferno)
  • 1960: Ursus in the realm of the Amazons (La regina delle Amazzoni)
  • 1960: Archimedes - The Lion of Syracuse (L'assedio di Siracusa)
  • 1961: Mongol raid (I mongoli)
  • 1961: Pontius Pilatus (Ponzio Pilato) (only equipment)
  • 1961: Kadmos - Tyrant of Thebes (Arrivano i titani)
  • 1962: Il monaco di Monza
  • 1962: The son of Spartacus (Il figlio di Spartacus)
  • 1962: The Gold of the Caesars (Oro per i Cesari)
  • 1963: The Demon and the Virgin (La frusta e il corpo)
  • 1963: Danza Macabra
  • 1964: Soraya - Slave of the Orient (Anthar l'invincibile) (only equipment)
  • 1964: Saul e David
  • 1965: Gideon and Samson (I grandi condottieri) (only equipment)
  • 1965; I, I, I ... and the others (Io, io, io ... e gli altre)
  • 1966: The oldest trade in the world (Le plus vieux métier du monde)
  • 1966: an almost perfect murderer (Delitto quasi perfetto)
  • 1967: Guaranteed Virgin (Assicurarsi vergine)
  • 1967: A ball for Mac Gregor (7 donne per i MacGregor)
  • 1971: Dracula in the Castle of Secrets (Nella stretta morsa del ragno)
  • 1972: Seven Dead in the Cat's Eyes (La morte negli occhi del gatto)


  • International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) (ed.): Direttori di Fotografia, Scenografi i Costumisti del Cinema Italiano. Vol. 7: Italia. KG Saur-Verlag, Munich 1988, p. 351 ff.

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