Otto Buchinger

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Otto Hermann Ferdinand Buchinger , pseudonym: O. Wanderer , (* February 16, 1878 in Darmstadt , † April 16, 1966 in Überlingen ) was a German doctor who founded therapeutic fasting .


The son of a civil servant studied medicine at the Hessian Ludwig University in Giessen. In 1897 he became active in the Corps Starkenburgia . After completing his doctorate, he went to the Imperial Navy as a military doctor . In 1897 he was a marine assistant doctor on SMS Panther .

In 1926 he joined the Religious Society of Friends ( Quakers ). In 1927 and 1928 he attended the Woodbrooke Quaker College in Birmingham (England), an adult educational institution , for a few weeks each . In the second half of the 1930s he was active on both the designation committee and the literature committee of the German annual meeting . In his clinic he often gave lectures on Quakerism. In 1957 Buchinger joined the Catholic Church and officially resigned from the German annual meeting in 1959. Among other things, he criticized the fact that the term “friends” was not used with good intentions, but merely out of habit.

In 1917 Buchinger fell ill with tonsillitis , which did not heal completely and therefore led to severe rheumatism in the joints, probably rheumatoid arthritis . A cure for this was not known before the discovery of antibiotics . In 1919 the doctor underwent a trial of almost three weeks of successful fasting with a colleague, Gustav Riedlin in Freiburg im Breisgau .

After the healing success, Buchinger devoted himself primarily to alternative naturopathy and studied the existing literature on the subject of fasting . He resigned from the Navy in 1918. In July 1920 he founded his own therapeutic fasting clinic in Witzenhausen , the Kurheim Dr. Otto Buchinger , who moved to Bad Pyrmont in 1935 . In 1935 he published his most important work entitled The therapeutic fasting and its auxiliary methods , which has been reprinted again and again since then.

In 1953, he founded another clinic on Lake Constance in Überlingen, together with his daughter Maria Buchinger and her husband Helmut Wilhelmi .

Buchinger justified the effectiveness of therapeutic fasting with the fact that the organism is cleaned and the self-healing powers are activated. He used the term "purification" (as a summarizing metaphor for the various health-promoting processes in the fasting organism) and thus came across the criticism of other medical professionals, who took the view that the body regularly purifies itself - a view that in the Medicine remains unchanged.

Buchinger was also one of the supporters of the life reform , whereby he saw the focus of his therapy in nutrition and exercise. He generally rejected alcohol and tobacco consumption as harmful. But he also considered “internal hygiene” to be important, as well as the formation of the mind. He recommended biblical psalms or the works of Goethe and Rilke to his patients as “spiritual nourishment” .

Otto Buchinger I. died in 1966 at the age of 88. The clinics in Bad Pyrmont and Überlingen on Lake Constance are still in operation today, now in the fourth generation. Under the scientific direction of the doctor Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo , the world's largest fasting study was carried out in the clinic in Überlingen, which was published on January 2, 2019.


  • 1953: Federal Cross of Merit (Steckkreuz)
  • 1952: So far the last honorary citizen of Bad Pyrmont

Publications (selection)

  • Therapeutic fasting and its auxiliary methods (1935)
  • "Reinhard Strecker and me." In: Reinhard Strecker, the fighter against drugs, the promoter of education. the mediator to foreign countries, the philosopher of the German forest, dedicated by his friends. Private print without location, May 24, 1947
  • Get healthy - stay healthy with the therapeutic fasting cure (1952)
  • From marine doctor to fasting doctor. Metamorphoses of a Wanderer (1955)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Mettenleiter : Personal reports, memories, diaries and letters from German-speaking doctors. Supplements and supplements II (A – H). In: Würzburg medical history reports. 21, 2002, pp. 490-518, here p. 496
  2. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 57 , 483
  3. Elisbeth Dostert Überlingen / Halberstadt: Waning and increasing . In: . August 26, 2016, ISSN  0174-4917 ( [accessed on January 23, 2019]).
  4. ^ Buchinger Kliniken Bad Pyrmont: Buchinger family of doctors | A chronicle | Buchinger Clinic Bad Pyrmont. Retrieved September 16, 2018 (German).
  5. , accessed on May 9, 2019.
  6. ^ Andreas Michalsen, Stefan Drinda, Audrey Bergouignan, Franziska Grundler, Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo: Safety, health improvement and well-being during. In: PLOS one. PLOS one, January 2, 2019, accessed on May 9, 2019 .