Otto Dufter

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Otto Dufter (born December 9, 1934 in Unterwössen ; † June 13, 2019 ) was a representative of the traditional costume movement in Bavaria .


The trained carpenter from Unterwössen in Chiemgau has been active for his home club, the GTEV "D'Achentaler", since his youth. In 1977 he became the first district director of the Chiemgau Alpine Association . In 1994 he was then elected regional chairman of the Bavarian Costume Association. In 2002 he was instrumental in the unification of all Bavarian costume associations under the umbrella of his association and remained its chairman. In 2011, at the age of 76, he resigned from this position and was appointed honorary chairman of the Bavarian Costume Association.

The former President of the Bavarian State Parliament, Alois Glück, characterized Otto Dufter on the occasion of his 70th birthday as follows: “If you had to paint a traditional costume, then you would have to take Otto Dufter as a role model”. He embodies everything that characterizes the traditional costume movement in Bavaria, "he is down-to-earth and cosmopolitan, conservative and future-oriented".

However, Dufter's views were not always undisputed: In 2009, quarrels about the building of a youth education center he was promoting led to the resignation of three districts. The district of Middle Franconia did not consider the construction to be financially viable. In 2014, an invitation from the band LaBrassBanda to the 124th Gautrachtenfest in Ruhpolding by the organizing Gauverband I aroused severe displeasure at Otto Dufter because of the alleged breach of tradition and, in return, led to heated discussions about the future of the costume movement.


Dufter has been honorary chairman of the Bavarian Costume Association since 2011 and was awarded the district medal in gold by the district of Upper Bavaria in 2005. In 2008 he received the award Pro meritis scientiae et litterarum from the Bavarian State Minister for Education and Culture, Science and Art for special services to science and art. For his services to the traditional costume movement he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon in 1999 and the Bavarian Order of Merit in 2003 .

Individual evidence

  1. Trachtenchef says hello , September 24, 2011
  2. Violent quarrels in the traditional costume association , in: Die Welt , June 24, 2014
  3. Heiner Effern: Where the Haferlschuh pinches , in: Süddeutsche Zeitung , June 24, 2014