Otto Presler

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Otto Presler (also: Christian Otto Presler , born in 1854 in Walburg ; died 1920 ) was a German mathematician , high school teachers entitled Gymnasialprofessor and textbook - author .


In 1898 Otto Presler bought the apartment building Lindenerstraße 47 , later Königsworther Straße 47 , today house number 5, from the master mason Wilhelm Weber

Otto Presler, born in the administrative district of Kassel in 1854, attended the Realgymnasium in Kassel , which he left Michaelis in 1874 with the final exam. He studied mathematics and physics at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and took the pro facultate docendi exam on July 24, 1880 . He then worked from Michaelis 1880 to 1881 at the secondary school in Wiesbaden, initially as a trial candidate, and then as an assistant teacher at the institute until Easter 1882. Immediately afterwards, he got his first permanent position at the trade school in Hagen .

In 1886 Presler moved to Hanover , where he was called to the Higher Citizens' School I, now the Tellkampf School . In the same year he married Johanna Flohr (born February 18, 1862 in Gleidingen ; died April 10, 1925 in Hanover), who later became known as the writer Johanna Presler (-Flohr) .

On May 4, 1898, Presler purchased a 4-story apartment building in Königsworth Strasse in the Königsworth street at the - then - house number 47. The Hanover address book recorded the year his wife died . City and business handbook 1925 the - who died in 1920 - teacher Otto Presler as head of the household in the house there in what is now the Calenberger Neustadt district .

Fonts (selection)

  • Friedrich Pietzker, Otto Presler (arr.): Results and resolutions for Dr. E. Bardey's arithmetic problems and arithmetic textbook. Preferably for Realschulen, Progymnasien and Realprogymnasien. In old and new edition , Leipzig [u. a.]: BG Teubner, 1901
  • Karl Heinrich Mueller, Otto Presler: Guide to projection theory. An exercise book in constructive stereometry. Guide to projection teaching / A , Leipzig [u. a.]: BG Teubner, 1903
  • Friedrich Pietzker, Otto Presler (arrangement): Dr. E. Bardey's collection of exercises, organized methodically, containing more than 9000 exercises on all parts of elementary arithmetic. Preferably for grammar schools, secondary schools and preparatory institutions; in old and new edition , 2 volumes; Leipzig; Berlin: GB Teubner, 1914
  • Friedrich Pietzker, Otto Presler (arr.): E. Bardey's arithmetic tasks and arithmetic textbook. Preferably for Realschulen, Progymnasien and Realgymnasien , new edition, 5th, unchanged edition, with graphic representations, Leipzig; BG Teubner. 1917


  • in The Sower. Monthly for youth education and youth studies , ed. from the Hamburg teachers' association for the maintenance of artistic education, born in 1912;
  • Career choice and career advice, lecture, held on March 28th from the assembly of the Philologists' Association of the Province of Hanover , in: Pedagogical Archive ; Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 55th year (1913), issue 8, pp. 481–491; Digitized version of the BBF

Individual evidence

  1. a b Information in the catalog of the German National Library
  2. ^ A b Franz Kössler: Presler, Otto , in ders .: Personal dictionary of teachers of the 19th century , volume Paalhorn - Pyrkosch , preprint (preprint) as a PDF document from the Justus Liebig University of Giessen in the version of September 26, 2008
  3. a b Elisabeth Friedrichs: Presler, b. Flohr, Johanna Karoline , in this: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries . A lexicon . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 , p. 239; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. a b c Hanover address book. City and Business Manual 1925 , Department II: Street and House Directory , p. 183; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library via the German Research Foundation
  5. ^ Helmut Zimmermann : Königsworther Straße , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 146